
An Understanding of Biblical Eschatology Achieved Through a Dispensational Theological Perspective

Decent Essays

Theologian Vern S. Poythress wrote, “Theological systems, whether dispensationalist, covenantal, Calvinist, Arminian, or even modernist, have a profound influence on the way we approach a given [biblical] text.” There is no portion of scripture that is more influenced by the theological system of dispensationalist than that of biblical prophecy, particularly in the area of God’s redemptive plan from for humanity. The purpose of this essay is to establish that an appropriate understanding of biblical eschatology can best be achieved through a dispensational theological perspective.

To gain a clearer understanding of the tenets of dispensational eschatology, it is necessary to investigate the main …show more content…

As Barry Horner points out, although the covenantalists feign a high regard of the role of Jewish people in their covenantal construct, “there is nothing distinctively ‘covenantal’…when compared with differing eschatological opinions”. Therefore, they view all believers in both the Old and New Testaments are to be regarded as the same faith community. Both Jewish and gentile believers are to be collectively designated as the church and thus all the prophecies regarding both Israel and the church can be amalgamated and regarded as a single entity. Therefore, under covenantalism, the nation of Israel has no distinct future and the entirety of the Scriptures focuses solely on the redemption of the church.

Dispensationalism interprets God’s redemptive history for humanity by identifying specific periods of time. These periods of time, or dispensations, are understood as having existed in the past, persisting in the present, and will continue in the future. Charles Ryrie suggests that Dispensationalism can be viewed “as a household run by God. In this household-world God is dispensing or administering its affairs according to His own will and in various stages of revelation in the process of time.”
Dr. Mitchell defines the hermeneutical basis of Dispensationalism as an inductive interpretation of the Scriptures. Beginning with the book of Genesis, Dispensationalism is built on determining the progressive revelation of

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