When syphilis became hazardous to the health of the population, “sexual practices” were put under control by the British authorities. Several Contagious Diseases Acts were introduced to regulate the spread of this disease (1863, 1866, 1869). Intercourse with prostitutes endangered not only the men’s health, but also their wives’ condition, so the Acts were drawn in defense of women, too. Prostitutes were put into lock hospitals for a certain period of time when they had been found suffering from syphilis. As Duncan Crow describes their situation very aptly, “everyone must be regarded as innocent until proved guilty [Habeas Corpus], where under the Acts [a] woman was guilty unless she could prove herself innocent” (244). So, guiltiness was attached …show more content…
Using Sigmund Freud’s term, it can be claimed that vampires are not exclusively homosexuals, but they are amphigenously inverted (30), that is their sexual objects are members of both sexes. However, the concept of bisexuality has largely been ignored in the history of sexuality (Angelides 24) when it was beginning to be observed as a sexual identity, it challenged the binary epistemology of sexuality, that is the gender structure of hetero- and homosexuality (Angelides 5). Like homosexuality, bisexuality triggers negative social reactions; thus bisexuals are outcasts and socially isolated. Both homosexual and heterosexual communities are inimical to them, so bisexuals have to cope with ‘double marginality’ (Weinberg, Williams and Pryor 190). Homosexuals think that bisexuals are inherent homosexuals who simply dare not admit this fact — not even to themselves — and are engaged in opposite-sex relations in order to keep up public appearance. On the contrary, heterosexuals usually lump bisexuals with homosexuals. Both are false. Bisexuality is a continuum of sexuality, but not always a transitory state between the shift from heterosexuality to homosexuality as many might think; it is an established sexual
In “The Myth of Homosexuality” by Christine Downing, there is the discussion of homosexuality and its meaning over the years. Downing begins the article by stating how a myth has classified women-on-women and men-on-men relationships to fall under the same term of homosexuality, but there is much deeper understanding to it than that. The classification under one word has caused a lot of shaping concerning how they are viewed or how they view themselves. In order to look past the surface of what defines the myth, Downing states that we must start with the culture’s myth and it’s origin.
Through the intersectionality theory and social learning theory, one can see how and why the generalizations of Muslims and homosexuals have impact my life and how they are perpetuated in today’s society. Being a black, Muslim, lesbian woman in this country represent one of the minorities that is being affected by the negative stereotypes. These stereotypes are observed behavior that is being adopted by many places or individuals, who believes they know the perceptions of those other individuals that are different from
“The Monster and the Homosexual” is written to give the reading audience a sense of a background on the history homosexuality has gained through culture in society and how people are bearing a comparison behind a homosexual and a monster. Some individuals view homosexuality as immoral and nefarious, similar to how one would describe a monster. Although not biased, homosexuality is an alteration to the typically known heterosexual relationship, and that seems to be the reasoning behind why homosexuality is considered as relentlessly as monstrous activity (739). Benshoff brings forth the reasoning in his article by stating, “Some people have always considered anything that opposes or lies outside the ideological status quo intrinsically monstrous and unnatural” (738). “The Monster and the Homosexual” provides the readers with several circumstances in which the comparison of homosexuals and monsters is apparent, whether in the form of symbolisms or in some instances, such as The Gay Agenda, the comparison is more straightforward without the use of symbolism (737). Overall, the argument of Harry Benshoff’s article, “The Monster and the Homosexual,” is to unveil a side of the ongoing comparison of homosexuals and monsters that some may have not
Okay, so I just got off of whisper, and my god the people on there are dumb. Half of them are in the LGBT+ community (nearly all of them fake it to get popular) and the rest are very conservative people.
In 1864, a medical officer found that at any given time, one in three cases of sickness within the British army was caused by a sexually transmitted disease, likely contracted from prostitutes. This led to the enactment of the euphemistic ‘Contagious Disease Act’ which allowed any woman perceived by police to be a prostitute, within a ten-mile radius of a garrison town, to be forcibly detained and examined for evidence of a venereal disease. If such a woman were found guilty; she could be locked in hospital for up to a year to receive compulsory vaginal examinations as well as lessons in morality because she was considered a ‘fallen’ woman. This approach would be sexist and cruel if enacted today but at the time it seemed to be the clearest and least jarring method of managing sexually transmitted diseases, by sterilising the environment in which they fester. Sexually transmitted diseases were such an important public health issue for Britain that
The functionalist theory and the symbolic interactionist theory in regards to sexulity and sexual orientation are vastly different. The functionalist theory perspective is that our society upholds heterosexuality as the normative and ideal behavior. This is also known as institutionalized heterosexuality. The symbolic interactionist perspective is that sexual orientation is a time bound and culturally specific social invention. Heterosexuality is something that we as a society think of as unchanging, consistent, and universal. Homosexuality is a “master status,” an identity that determines how others view them and how they view themself. These two perspectives help us understand the social problem that is inequality in the LGBT+ community
This is when diseases were passes around due to the increase in prostitution and the increase of one woman’s involvement. The Government of England attempted to regulate and reduce the spread of diseases. Women were subjected to checkups if they were under the suspicion of sustaining a sexually transmitted disease. The women would have to go through a thorough check up which was free of cost if it was under the government’s suspicion. If the patient had contracted a sexually transmitted disease, they would be sent to a lock hospital. A lock hospital was designed to treat venereal diseases, however the hygienic conditions of the hospital were not any better than the Magdalene Asylums. Magdalene Asylums were made for the rehabilitation of prostitutes back into society. Prostitution In Victorian England claims that the government of England was the primary supporter of the reform of prostitution. Prostitution was intensely popular throughout the country, and the only way to put a halt to the, at the time, legal activity was to support the idea of making it illegal, stated A Necessary Evil? Attitudes towards prostitution in Victorian London. This article supports the idea of illegalizing this legal form of adultery. It came to a point where women were dependent on prostitution in order to survive. Although their income might not be steady, their rates would be high, so only one of their customers could support their day of
One of the biggest debates when it comes to Shakespeare is if homosexuality is present in his works or not. This debate only began in recent decades when the term “homosexuality” was not seen as completely taboo. Many scholars debate that the “platonic” relationships between men were really participating in homosexual relationships, which were covered in many layers of English Renaissance language. These scholars also argue that women during this time were used for two reasons: 1) to cover up said homosexual relationships and 2) reproduction. Women were used for men’s personal gain. Women were considered manipulative and destructive. On the other hand, some scholars argue that these men were not in homosexual relationships with one another and really considered each other a brother. But really, it all boils down to which play/sonnet. In some cases, there are homosexual relationships shown and in others it is merely a platonic relationship. It all depends on the story that is being portrayed.
Finding the bad example of critical thinking was a lot quite easy as anticipated, there's a lot of dumb stuff on the internet. The article i happened to stumble upon was published on a website called emaso.com the artical was called Pedophilia more common among 'gays' Research purports to reveal 'dark side' of homosexual culture
The agenda of concealment is further confirmed by Fitzgibbon’s conclusion that legislation needed to be implemented, similar to the repealed CDAs, because ‘the source of all syphilis is prostitution’, and he believed it needed to be eradicated at the source. He skirts around the issue of married men being a transmitter of venereal disease, despite it clearly being a contemporary concern. Instead, he flippantly refers very ambiguously to ‘innocent victims’. As a speech, and not a medical text with the purpose to inform and educate, it is only to be expected that Fitzgibbon’s personal views would be more apparent here than Hutchinson’s. Incidentally, the example supports Smith’s argument more substantially than Hutchinson’s Syphilis does. Yet, perhaps, as an institutionalised man, holding a position of prestige in his profession, Fitzgibbon did not want to broach a topic of controversy and speak about the sexual misdemeanours of unmarried men or rogue husbands to his audience. Also, it could well be that as a self-proclaimed admirer and proponent of the CDAs he had not moved on in his beliefs since the 1860s, and still held that prostitutes were the source of venereal disease, and that male sexual impuse was so natural it did not require acknowledgement. Hence, whilst the agenda of concealment seems
• First of all, even though some overlapping is possible, the Earth Humans basically could be categorized in three chief groups regarding their sexual orientation: heterosexuals, bisexuals, and homosexuals. Regarding the perception of own sexual identity, the picture is ‘bi-polar’, with blurred and ‘grayish’ deviations. Further, the most vocal representatives of ‘man-made’ science have no clue on the exact causes of sexual orientation, and by lacking the substantial evidence, keep on speculating in one moment favoring the advantages of the inclusion of genetic factors and in another moment considering the inclusion of social factors as a prevailing determinant. Once they get exhausted of debating, the third option gains in popularity, when they equalize both influences on the account of their overall similar intensity on the outcome within a complex interplay. Independent observer must point out the fact gross majority of unorthodox official scientists treat homosexuality as “normal and natural variation in human sexuality”. (Quote from unspecified & missing source)
A psychological disorder is a disorder that involves your mind, thoughts, emotions, and even your behavior that could cause some type of stress. When you have a psychological disorder psychologist say that the abnormal behavior that comes from it must be bad for the individual, cause a high level of distress, or hinder the individual from performing everyday tasks normally. Not just any abnormal behavior makes it qualify as a disorder though, the abnormal behavior has to meet the standards set in order to be qualified as a disorder. Psychological disorders are listed under the DSM, also known as the "Diagnostic and Statistical Manuel of Mental Disorders". This list can have things added to them and can have things removed. I chose to cover homosexuality because of the conflict it has behind it and how much it has changed through the years.
even though sexuality can be considered universal, the sexual behaviors affiliated with it offer different attitudes in various communities. Sexuality is aligned to sexual attraction where individuals can identify themselves with a broad range of sexuality that is bisexual, gay or being lesbian. Sexuality can change over time in a person depending on the circumstances surrounding him or her. It may be affected by the social circle and emotional imbalances that may occur in an individual. Interestingly there exists sexual inequality among many societies in the world. As observed, many societies encourage men to have multiple sex partners but forbid it in women. Moreover, pre-marital sex is promoted in men, but women are flaunted if they participate in pre-marital sex. Across the globe, Western Europe has embraced certain norms in sexuality such as homosexuality whereas African society embraces a negative attitude towards the same.
Other studies conducted suggest that homosexuality might be base on difference in the brain structure of homosexual and heterosexual males. In 1991, Simon LeVay, a researcher at salks institute for biological studies in San Diego, found that an area of the brain called INAH-3 was larger in heterosexual men as in homosexual men [6]. INAH-3 is a small cell cluster in the hypothalamus that is involve regulating male sex behavior. LeVay’s finding provided clues that prove that sexual attraction to some extent might be biological. Other studies following levay’s study suggest that homosexuality might be base on genetic. It is believe that “gay gene” is passed from mother tho son.
By and large, Christians accept that one is not conceived gay person. They accept that it is not foreordained, yet it originates from life circumstance conditions after the conception. Christians say that a gay person who has a yearning to change has the capacity do it, however he or she needs to experience a fiery methodology of psychotherapy. One needs to backpedal to the very case that brought about the single person to wind up gay person and revamp it so he or she was not capable. To them this demonstrates that science was correct and that homosexuality is a condition that is brought by life conditions (The Journal of Pastoral Care). The Bible does not say the expression sin when discussing homosexuality. Notwithstanding, Christians appear to have got the thought that a man must change who they are through psychotherapy so hopefully they can be known as a man or lady and be acknowledged and not be looked down upon by whatever remains of the Christian group.