
The Bipolar Disorder And The Depression

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Client reported that he is currently attending to a psychiatric session once a month due to his bipolar disorder and that it is very helpful for him. He also stated that was prescribe Seroquel 30 mg once a day for the bipolar disorder, Luvox 30 mg for anxiety and depression once a day as well and one B12 for energy. He has been taking Seroquel and Luvox for more that tree yeas since he was diagnose with bipolar disorder and the B12 since he had the bypass surgery.
Education/Employment History: Clients reported that he has an AA in arts, a B.A in criminal justice and a Masters degree in criminal justice as well. Currently he is pursuing a master’s degree in psychology in Gran Canyon University on online classes. Client desire is to be able to assisting client who have been in the same situation as him and to assist clients who are feeling hopeless when they experience anxiety or depression by providing therapy to client who needs assistance. Client also expressed that he begin a career as a fire fighter since he was twenty years old. He worked as a fire fighter for twenty years and he is now retired since June 2015 from the fire fighter department.

Substance Use History: Clients denied any used of alcohol, tobacco or any other type of illicit drugs. He expresses that in his family he has a lot of family members that smoke on daily bases. However, he stated that even thought his family relative does smoke, it has never influence on him to smoke.


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