
The Birth of the Confederacy

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In 1861 delegates from all over the south met in Montgomery, Alabama, to establish a new nation. This new nation would be called the Confederate States of America, declaring itself a provisional(temporary) Congress. “The countries that attended this convention were Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, South Carolina, and Texas. Jefferson Davis and Alexander Stephens were chosen unanimously as the provisional president and the vice president in order to convince the other undecided slave states to join the Confederacy. A committee spent five weeks composing a national constitution, that was later approved on March 11. The document closely followed the U.S. Constitution-including its Bill of Rights-with a few notable …show more content…

Once the war started four more Southern sates joined the confederacy, they included “Virginia, North Carolina, Arkansas, and Tennessee. Secessionist governments were established in Missouri and Kentucky, two border states that officially remained in the Union, while the western counties of Virginia rejoined the North. The Confederacy 's capital was moved from Montgomery to Richmond, Virginia, in May 1861, and regular presidential and congressional elections were held in November.” # Jefferson Davis and Alexander Stephens were re-inaugurated on February 22, 1862. Although there were no established parties, “Confederate politics soon divided along pro- and anti-administration lines, and the lack of designated groups only caused confusion and disorganization.”# Some wanted to negotiate peace with the North while others objected to Davis’ policies in supporting the war effort. “Some even promoted that their states secede from the Confederacy and form separate countries. After the next congressional elections, held over a nearly six-month period in 1863 due to the logistical problems of the Union military presence across the South, nearly two-fifths of the Confederate House and one half of the Senate were openly anti-administration.”# The South suffered tremendously from the cost of military effort. He tried passing taxes, seeking loans, and selling government bonds, but were not sufficient enough and made many

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