
The Book Successful Women Think Differently Essay

Decent Essays

Analysis on the book Successful Women Think Differently

The book Successful Women Think Differently by Valorie Burton reveals the thought process of how successful women think and how to maintain empowerment through adversity. Burton expresses how to cultivate relationships as well as communicating effectively through thinking with a sense of purpose and distinction. In the book Successful Women Think Differently, Burton wants readers to learn nine habits and seven key principles to cultivate certain ways to think through any problematic situation. Burton believes that she can help the reader create new thought processes that strengthen thinking differently in order to set higher personal and professional goals for oneself. The ability to bounce back from failure is certainly not an easy task, but implementing these steps creates “safety nets” of comfort, and encouragement. According to Burton, the key decisions contribute to restoring peace from within, building confidence, and boosting happiness during hard times. Burton’s introduction of the nine habits mainly teaches women how to navigate obstacles when they come. She uses illustrations of various workshops and real life stories of women who have found that harmony of purpose, resilience, and joy that defines success. Consequently, Burton is asking the reader to commit and execute seven key decisions that are simple, profound, and easy to follow in order to obtain the nine habits earlier stated.

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