
The Book Thief Movie Analysis

Decent Essays

I have finally finished the 552 page The Book Thief by Markus Zusak. Once I got into the story, it didn’t seem long at all. The way Zusak writes with such realistic characters and events kept me sucked in wanting to read more and more. When I got to the last page I felt like crying, and not just because of the content, but because I had just finished an amazing novel and almost wanted read it over again that minute-- and I rarely reread books. There is good news for me, however, because I can watch the movie version of the novel or I could read his Zusak’s other novel I am the Messenger which also sounds very interesting.
I feel that Liesel was the most realistic character. I could be biased because she was the main character, but her mannerisms during that time era seemed like those of a …show more content…

Because most of the novel Death is telling the story of Liesel, you get to be very familiar with all of her emotions. Even though the novel isn’t in first person from her point of view, you get to see her whole story as Death reads from her book The Book Thief and adds lib about what he was going through with all the deaths during that period. Liesel reminds me of other people her age in my own life, like my brother who is in middle school and just as stubborn as her. Kids their age have minds completely of her own and don’t really understand the effects of all of their actions, whether they are good or bad.

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