
The Book Total Package Written By Thomas Hine

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The Book Total Package written by Thomas Hine was a very educational book to read in the since that it hit many hard point about selling your product through various methods of Packaging designs and types. I think there were many important things to take away from this book. Even though my major is not graphic design I still will use these methods thought my own works of game design. If its tricking the player into taking certain paths, making them believe one object is better than another, to go back to certain places that are familiar to them and even if the stores where our games are placed and packaged to really grab the consumer of the games attention. We always compete to sell our games because we as well must sell to make money. Basically the way a packages life starts is when a person decides to go to the Market and their world is completely reformed and reshaped. They become an active consumer, and you start to recognize your environment or the supermarket, the warehouse club (Sam’s Club), the discount store (Family Dollar) or a home center for all your household items. All these places are where you will let the impact of Graphic Design take over and help you figure out what you want to buy. During the 30 minutes you spend on an average trip to the supermarket, about 30,000 different products are available to win your attention, and ultimately make you believe in the promise of the product, is the product worth buying, is the product going to be the quality that

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