
The Carbon Of The Greenhouse Gas Problem Essay

Decent Essays

All the carbon released into our atmosphere contributes to the rise of greenhouse gases. The carbon from costal ecosystems is referred to as Blue Carbon. Most of the carbon on Earth is cycled through the ocean and coastal areas. These wet environments help to contain carbon and slow the increase of green house gasses in our atmosphere.
Coastal ecosystems like mangroves, tidal marshes, and seagrass meadows slow down the greenhouse gases from increasing by absorbing and containing them. These area’s are more efficient than any other ecosystem at containing carbon. Other’s like tropical forests, boreal forests, and temperate forests all fall behind by a huge amount. The carbon is stored in the soil of the area and remain there for long periods of time. Graphs on the differences in speed and containment ability will be shown below and can be found at the website
Without these natural carbon containers the efforts to lower carbon emissions would become drastically more difficult. The ecosystems have been brought up before in discussions on how to deal with our greenhouse gas problem. One of the most sensible ideas is to protect them the best we can. These important natural carbon containers have been greatly affected by human activity in a destructive manner. They should be protected by law against humans and restored. It is estimated that up to 67% of mangroves, at least 35% of tidal marshes, and 29% of seagrass meadows have been lost on a global scale.

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