
The Case Of A Builder Carrying Out Work At New South Wales Under A Construction Contract For A Commercial

Decent Essays

In the case of a builder carrying out work in New South Wales under a construction contract for a commercial office space, legal principles would need to be understood and followed by the builder to ensure that both the building of and the finished project fits the imposed legal requirements. In New South Wales, the NSW Commercial Building Code specifies the criteria that all contemporary commercial buildings and developments must comply with. For a project the size of the $20,000,000 commercial office space development there would undoubtedly be a series of legal principles that must be complied with. A Contractual agreement and details such as the construction period, insurance specifics, allowances, defects liability period, date of commencement and practical completion, payment and much more must be comprehended by all parties (particularly the builder) to ensure the project is built to the correct standard and within the designated time specifications.

The facts
Latent defects are discovered after the $20,000,000 commercial office space construction project is completed by the builder.
The plaintiff holds that the latent defects in the office space are a result of defective building works and thus claims that there has been a breach of contract as the builder acted negligently as they had a duty to take reasonable care in the construction of the offices.
The plaintiff therefore seeks to claim pure economic loss and sue the builder for damages.


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