
The Causes And Consequences Of World War Two

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The time has come that that world war two is history it has been for a long time. The causes and consequences of world war two are very horrifying like treaty of Versailles, the great depression, the holocaust and even the home front so that’s why we have remembrance of people who was in the war a lot of people have lost their lives not just for us but for the whole world.

One of the most significant causes of World War Two was the signing of treaty of Versailles when Germany surrendered. World war one was over. The treaty of Versailles that dealt with Germany was signed in June 1919. Germany was forced to pay debits or reparations of 6.6 million which go towards the war (3.3 million) they were forced to disarm. The German army was minimized to 100,000 men and was forbidden to have tanks. There was six battle ships and no submarines which weren’t allowed.No air force at all was permitted.Moveover no troops were to be allowed into the Rhineland. They had to agree to never unite with Austria. They also had to sign a statement saying the Germany alone was guilty of starting the First World War and they gave 13.5% of her land with seven million of her people to neighbouring countries. Germany loses, the loss of Alsace and horraine to France. Germany also loses 17,800 square miles to the new state of Poland and East Russia was split off from the rest of Germany by a strip of land called the Polish Corridor and danzing which was made into a free city. There was also the less

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