
The Causes And Effects Of Global Warming

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Owen BuggyLanguage ArtsClimate change, global warming, and their effects on our planetClimate change is a change in the pattern of weather and some related changes in oceans, land surfaces and ice sheets, occurring over a time scale of a few decades.Global warming on the other hand, refers to only the earth rising temperatures in the air and waters. There has been much debate on global warming. It is important to explore multiple reasons why climate change happens, what causes it, and how often it occurs. There will also be a discovery of how it affects the environment and what specific animals are impacted. Humans have had a much larger impact on the environment that any other creature in the history of the planet. Their presence along with naturalenvironmental factors are shaping our planet like never before. Global warming is having a serious effect on our world. It causes things such as melting glaciers and ice cap in our north and south poles. Ice caps are of the most visible and common victim because ice can change its chemical properties faster than most other land masses. It's has been affecting glaciers more rapidly since the early 1980's. In some places we have seen a 30-40% reduction in surface area and 50% reduction in volume due to just an increase of 2-degrees Celsius.
How does climate change happen? Climate change can take place for many different ways. says the earth's temperature depends on the balance between energy coming in and leaving the

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