
The Causes Of The American War

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The American Revolution entails the war waged between Britain and American colonies in the period 1775-1783. The war resulted to the independence of the 13 Britain colonies and the subsequent formation of the United States of America (Rakove 2001). The Britain’s forces were driven out of Boston by American troops under the command of Henry Knox. In response, the Britons offered pardon to those involved in the wars in exchange for their surrendering. This was rejected by Americans, who instead declared their independence on 4th July, 1776. The wars continued until Britain lost the last battle fought at Straits of Florida in March 1783. Britain fully acknowledged the independence of the United States of America with the signing of the Treaty of Paris on 3rd September 1783.
While the American military troops were busy struggling for the attainment of independence during period of the American Revolution, another war was waged aimed at establishing a strong national entity defining America. Continental Congress conducted debates on the ideologies and form on how the union should be run (Wills 2005). The rising differences between the states and the federal power were decided by the urge to offer funds to the military in aid of the activities of the Continental Army. Individuals were patriotic towards the military efforts under General Washington and the states promised to offer any assistance the troops needed. However, with the development of the war, the states did not live up to their promises and failed in provision of sufficient troops to reinforce those already in battle (Armitage 2007). Those in the army lacked sufficient foods to sustain them since most suppliers opted for the British who unlike the Americans paid them valuable medals. The above problem led to the formation of a federal system of government so that they could help in military recruitment and provision of supplies.
The states retained their rights and owned their military, but they were expected to give out their military troops whenever any matter of national concern arose. This system of governance is evident to date in terms Active National Guard. This was clearly seen during the Second World War when all the states provided their

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