
The Challenges and Benefits of Using New Technology: User Protection and Privacy Concerns

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After Reading Introduction Over the last several years, advancements in technology have changed how everyone is living their daily lives. This has transformed the way that various stakeholders are interacting with each other on a regular basis. However, with any kind of transformations is when the experts will predict that society is undergoing a major shift. Yet, in the long run these changes will have a limited impact. As the increases in the total number of improvements for IT and mobile phone technology are leading similar claims. To fully understand how these transformations are different requires: carefully examining the way these shifts will occur and the impact of target based advertising on a user's location. Together, these elements will highlight how: distribution, retail, wholesale and marketing strategies are shifting. Why are these changes so different this time around? The changes that are occurring in the field of IT and mobile technology are creating shifts in consumer patterns. This is occurring with more customers using the Internet as their primary form of communication. In the last few years, mobile phone technology has evolved to the point that this is becoming a preferred device for going online. (Pelau, 2010, pp. 101 116) Evidence of this can be seen in a study that was conducted by the Business Communications Review. They determined that mobile phone technology is becoming increasingly common within American households. As 50% of respondents

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