
The Characteristics Of Carl Rodgers And Abraham Maslow

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Carl Rodgers and Abraham Maslow both has an optimistic view of human nature. To support the viewpoint, I will be using Maslow’s characteristics of hierarchy needs. The rebuttal of this optimistic view of human nature, can be in the failure of not becoming self-actualizing.
Humanistic psychology focuses on human beings, from other creatures, and it does so with a distinctly optimistic outlook, emphasizing three characteristics of human uniqueness: subjectivity, individuality and the capacity for growth. (Fernald, 2008 p. 177)
Maslow proposed a hierarchy of five inherent needs that initiate and manage human behavior. They are the physiological, safety, belongingness and love, esteem needs and self- actualization. In the United States …show more content…

Self depends on the maximum realization and fulfillment of our potentials, talents and abilities. (Schultz & Schultz, 2008 p. 305-307)
Every day in this area I see homeless individuals outside the 7-11 convenience store while buying my morning coffee. Life isn’t so rewarding for a small percentage of the Hampton Roads’ population. For some the physiological requirement is not meet. Carl Rogers agreed with Maslow and added that for a person to "grow", they need an environment that provides them with genuineness (openness and self-disclosure), acceptance (being seen with unconditional positive regard), and empathy (being listened to and understood). McLeod, S. A. (2014). This past I was in church and the preacher sermon was entitled “we can do better than this”. He spoke on, not being close minded to a homeless person not dressing like we dress, not smelling like we smell etc. His sermon brought light to feeding the hungry. In America, most churches are open two days a year to feed the hungry, Thanksgiving and Christmas the other 363 days Americans we turn a blind eye towards the less fortunate.
Some people have an addiction to drugs or alcohol this may be a cause to refute Rogers and Maslow Humanistic approach. Everyone doesn’t feel this society provided a “free-will” to all humans in our society. This hierarchy of growth isn’t a realization for a significant percentage of our modern-day culture. A teenager who doesn’t feel love as a child and with

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