
The Characteristics Of Extraversion, Assertiveness, And Conscieticism?

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People who are extraverted and conscientious are said to be less likely to develop anxiety and depression, and science backs this argument. The researchers at the University at Buffalo found that the two traits may provide some protection against those disorders.

Extraversion is one of the big five personality traits characterized by assertiveness, excitability, sociability, and talkativeness. People with this personality traits are outgoing, constantly seeking social stimulation. They are usually filled with energy, full of life, and positivity. Their opposites, the introverts, are usually quiet, reserved, and shy who seldom interact with other people. Introverts prefer spending time alone and require minimal social interaction to live.

Extraverts …show more content…

The participants also completed several questionnaires provided by the researchers. The traits extraversion, conscientiousness, and neuroticism were analyzed in the study, because of their strong connection with anxiety and depression, and mood disorders.

“We know individually how these traits relate to symptoms, but now we are beginning to understand how the traits might impact one another. We have to consider the whole person in order to understand the likelihood of developing negative symptoms down the road,” said Kristin Naragon-Gainey, an assistant professor at the Department of Psychology at UB and the lead author of the study.

Conscientiousness and neuroticism are also included in the big five personality traits. Conscientious people are very thoughtful, possess good control over impulses, and have behaviors directly at goals in life. They are usually organized and really pay attention to details.

People with high conscientiousness

People with low conscientiousness

More organized and

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