
The Characters Of Mother Teresa

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Usually, peacemakers in society are not readily known to a large extent because the meaning of their actions is sometimes not recognized. However, it was evident that Mother Teresa was indeed a peacemaker by her love for the poor and passion stood out to many. Her life story has convicted and inspired many throughout history. Notwithstanding, her humble demeanor and sterling example continues to influence others around the world. According to the thesaurus, a peacemaker is someone who settles problems. Subsequently, peacemakers are people who breathe grace. Furthermore, peacemakers allow themselves to be used as instruments to relieve anger, improve understanding, promote justice and encourage others. Therefore, the writer believes that Mother Teresa truly exemplified the character of a peacemaker (Sageleaf, 2015).
Family Background and Passion Mother Teresa of Calcutta, a Roman Catholic nun was born 27th August 1910 in Skopje, in Yugoslavia. Moreover, she was the youngest of five children that were born to Nikola and Dronda Bojaxhiu who were Albanian grocers. She grew up with a strong faith and spent much time in the church. Correspondingly, she knew from an early age that she wanted to become a missionary. Around age twelve, she felt a calling to follow the Lord to become a missionary to spread the love and peace of Jesus Christ. Mother Teresa took her vows as a nun on the 24th May 1931. Equally important, the writer believes that as a result of her faith in God,

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