
The Code Of Ethics For Nurses With Interpretive

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The process of effectively staffing a nursing unit is one that requires great research. As a manager you need to be up to date with current trends and current standards so that you can be assured that your staffing reflects highest quality and safest care available. Not only is best practice vital, as a manager you must also be thinking of the most cost-effective way to run your unit. Joint Commission standards are a benchmark that most hospitals use, if your hospital is not complying with Joint Commission standards it is likely you will risk non-reimbursement for treatment of care. You also want your unit to be practicing according to The Code of Ethics for Nurses “The code of ethics establishes the ethical standard for the profession and provides a guide for nurses to use in ethical analysis and decision-making” (Code of Ethics for Nurses With Interpretive). Having a base knowledge of the Texas Department of States Health Services would also be a huge help in keeping your unit up to current codes and standards.
The staffing plan I am purposing is to open another medical surgical wing that would consist of 20 beds. This unit would take place in an already developed wing on 2 central. Currently these 20 beds are reserved for bariatric patients only, and the unit is closed down other wise when no bariatric surgeries are scheduled. Currently 2 central is open on average, 2 times a week as the two bariatric surgeons perform their surgeries on Friday’s and on average only 8

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