
The Code Of Professional Standards Of Practice And Behavior

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The NMC succeeded the United Kingdom Central Council for Nursing, Midwifery and Health visiting (UKCC) which was until 2002 has a core responsibility to register UK Nurses, Midwives, and health visitors as well as handle professional misconduct complaints and issue guidance for registered practitioners. The NMC was set up with the core responsibility of protecting the public by ensuring appropriate standard are set, reviewed and monitored for education, training, professional conduct and performance (Nursing and Midwifery Council, 2015). The core function of the NMC, as a regulator, is to establish and improve standards of nursing and midwifery care in order to serve and protect the public (Eaton, 2012). This assignment will focus on how NMC protects the public by carrying out its statutory roles. The writer will discuss the code of professional standards of practice and behaviour as it concerns Adult Nurses registration and deregistration of Adult Nurses, education and training, investigation and dealing with complaints, revalidation, criticisms of NMC, as a well as have a look at the future of NMC in regards to protecting the public. The Nursing and Midwifery Council (2015) has published a revised code of conduct which state that, Adult nurses must prioritise people; put the interest of people who use service first, promote their rights/dignity as well as treat people with respect and challenge treatment/attitude that discriminates people who use service. Adult nurses

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