The NMC succeeded the United Kingdom Central Council for Nursing, Midwifery and Health visiting (UKCC) which was until 2002 has a core responsibility to register UK Nurses, Midwives, and health visitors as well as handle professional misconduct complaints and issue guidance for registered practitioners. The NMC was set up with the core responsibility of protecting the public by ensuring appropriate standard are set, reviewed and monitored for education, training, professional conduct and performance (Nursing and Midwifery Council, 2015). The core function of the NMC, as a regulator, is to establish and improve standards of nursing and midwifery care in order to serve and protect the public (Eaton, 2012). This assignment will focus on how NMC protects the public by carrying out its statutory roles. The writer will discuss the code of professional standards of practice and behaviour as it concerns Adult Nurses registration and deregistration of Adult Nurses, education and training, investigation and dealing with complaints, revalidation, criticisms of NMC, as a well as have a look at the future of NMC in regards to protecting the public. The Nursing and Midwifery Council (2015) has published a revised code of conduct which state that, Adult nurses must prioritise people; put the interest of people who use service first, promote their rights/dignity as well as treat people with respect and challenge treatment/attitude that discriminates people who use service. Adult nurses
Article 8 gives examples on using the AICPA Code of Professional Conduct. The article gives the example of you taking over the role of handling the independence and ethical matters involved with auditing for a retiring partner in your firm. You are quickly given the task of determining whether or not your firm can provide auditing services to a client that owns a small, privately owned bank and a used car dealership. To perform work for the client you want to see the rules on how the firms will remain independent from the bank and car dealership, and you have a week to research any questions or concerns that you have with the potential client.
The nursing and midwifery code of conduct makes sure that staff are properly trained to do their job properly and that people can trust them doing their job, and that they trust them with their health and wellbeing, and it makes sure that staff are trustworthy and that they can treat people with respect. The nursing and midwifery code of conduct makes sure that: staff treat people as individuals so that their privacy and dignity is protected, and that they are not discriminated against, peoples confidentiality must be respected, you must disclose information if it is believed that someone is in danger. And it makes sure that consent is gained, such as when providing care or treatment. This affects patient care as the Code of Conduct ensures that people are treated correctly and that boundaries are not being broken, such as patients being abused. It makes sure that people are dealt with properly and that records are kept, and that they are securely
This report will evaluate the roles and responsibilities of a midwife. “Midwifery encompasses care of women during pregnancy, labour, and the postpartum period, as well as care of the new-born.”(WHO, 2015) This is a recent definition and clearly points out that a midwife has many roles and responsibilities. The NMC Codes of Conduct will be evaluated with specific emphasis on recent changes within healthcare. These changes took place as a result of the tragedies at Mid-Staffordshire Hospital in 2005-2009 and are the outcome of the Francis report in order to improve care given to patients.
The main points of provision five of the ANA code of ethics are as follows: section 5.1, which is moral self-respect, suggests that nurses must care for themselves as much as they care for their patients. Nurses must do their best to maintain professional respect to themselves in regards of their competence and moral character. Section 5.2, which is professional growth and maintenance of competence, suggests that nurses must continue to self and peer evaluate themselves throughout their careers. Nurses must continue to learn current, up to date nursing practices through self, peer, and higher education. Section 5.3, which is wholeness of character, suggests that nurses must develop and take into consideration their own
In this assignment we will be discussing how the Nursing and Midwifery Council NMC (2015) guides nurses in the direction of good practice. Why we have the code? Who the code is for? How to implement the code in our daily lives as practitioners. The NMC (2015) is a set of guidelines which nurses and midwives must adhere to in order to provide the best care possible to their patients. The NMC (2015) is split into four main sections:
In this Assignment, we will be looking at and discussing how the Nursing Midwifery Council’s Code (NMC) can guide the provision of person centred nursing care. What is the NMC’s Code? NMC Code is a list of professional requirements that which the nurses and midwives needs to adhere in order to practice in United Kingdom. This Code also helps the nurses and midwives to maintain their professional standards throughout their career. The Code is divided into four important sections. The sections are Prioritise people, Practise effectively and Preserve safety and Promote professionalism and trust (NMC 2015).
In connection with the Nursing and Midwifery Council Code of Conduct (2015) which states that people’s right to confidentiality must be respected at all times. It is essential that in this report all
The NMC has a code of professional conduct, standard for conduct, performance and ethics, the code clearly states the need for nurses, midwives as well as special community public health nurses to maintain their professional knowledge and competence in order to deliver care based on current evidence, best practice and where applicable (NMC 2004, p.10). Hence, nursing profession is regulated by the NMC which has
I intend to look at why confidentiality is so important within healthcare and how it relates to the Nursing and Midwifery Council’s (NMC) Code. I will look at the
According to the ANA Code for Nurses Provision 1, nurses must treat and respect every patient with dignity, regardless of
This essay will explore why consent and confidentiallity is important in midwifery practice. It will look into why it is needed and what can happen if these aspects are breeched in anyway. The National Health service was founded in 1948, this brought free healthcare to everyone. In 1902 the Midwives act becomes a law and midwifery became an established profession, fast forward to 2004 the midwives rules and standards are published and then amended in 2012 and in 2008 the code of conduct was brought into practice. These publications are legal documents in which all nurse and midwives must abide by. In these documents there are clear rules that surround both consent and confidentiality (NHS Choices 2014)
As an individual’s ethics will play a large part in their practice, there are specific guidelines and legislation that exist to ensure that nurses, as well as other health professionals, practice in a way that is ethical (Avery, 2013). These laws further exists to attempt to simplify the ethical issues that sometimes present in nursing practice and to attempt to guide one’s actions. The Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia (NMBA) provides guidance to nurses by providing a number of professional codes and guidelines (Avery, 2013). The NMBA has developed a code of ethics for nurses comprising of eight codes (Avery, 2013). These are as follows; 1) Nurses value quality nursing care for all people; 2) Nurses value respect and kindness for self and others;
NMC (2008) The Code: Standards of conduct, performance and ethics for nurses and midwives. London: Nursing and Midwifery Council
Codes of practice enables professionals to work effectively at high standards, respect and minimise risk to people that are in their care. Many care systems produce codes of conduct including The Nursing and Midwifery Council, nurses and midwives have to abide
February 2010 This is a companion document to the Codes of Ethics and Professional Conduct for Nurses