
The Color Purple Character Analysis Essay

Decent Essays

The first sign that Celie is is transforming as a character is when she discovers Mr._____ is hiding her sister Nettie’s letters to her. "Now that I know Albert hiding Nettie's letters, I know exactly where they is. They in his trunk. Everything that mean something to Albert go in his trunk. He keep it locked up tight, but Shug can git the key" (Walker 118). Celie is going to take the letters from Nettie back so she can read them all and see what her sister is up to. In the beginning, Celie is afraid of Mr._____ and would never do anything to disobey him. With Shug's help she can retrieve the letters. Celie is transforming to not be as afraid of Mr._____. This is the first time that Celie really disrespects Mr._____ and goes against his wishes. “Celie and Albert often spend time talking about their love for Shug and sharing their happy and sad memories--an activity that furthers the mourning process” (Proudfit). This shows how much Celie is changing. She can go from hating Albert to bonding with him over Shug Avery. After all the abuse, emotionally and physically, from him she still has the heart to talk to him and even take pity on him. Celie has grown as a person in The Color Purple and ultimately by the end of the book becomes an even better person. As Mr._____ wife, Celie would never …show more content…

So far in the book, she lets other people run all over her. This time, she stands up for herself and defends her actions. She also tells Albert off for being mean to her for the past few years. “She shows in transformed relationships that the worst cruelty committed by one person on another does not prohibit a change of heart” (Color). This is referring to Celie and the way she treats Albert by the end of the book. Celie went through a lot with Albert and even through it all she still ends up being nice to him at the end of the book. Celie goes through so big changes, but that does not mean she is not the same person with the same

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