College. It is interesting how such a simple word can enlist a multitude of different emotions. Nervousness, excitement, and fear are just some of the emotions people face when they think of college. The most challenging aspect of college starts at the beginning where one has to select a college which is the best suited for them, a process that is known to be daunting and stressful. One has to answer what seems like a thousand questions before they can even have a handful of candidates to select from. With so many options and questions it is easy to feel overwhelmed during the process, nevertheless every prospective student has to undergo the process if they are looking for a higher education. Selecting between a community and a private university is probably one of the most overlooked, yet vital parts of the process. Community colleges allow for people to be proactive with their finances while still gaining a notable education, whereas private colleges draw people in with their exclusivity and quality. Although private and community universities differ financially, socially, and academically, one can obtain the same or even greater level of education and student experience from a community college rather than a private. Imagine having a freshly brewed cup of coffee in the morning for just ten cents. Sadly, a cup of coffee today goes for about three dollars, almost three hundred times what it used to be fifty years ago and the same goes for college tuitions. Now a days
Deciding whether to attend a community college or university can be a difficult decision for students especially high school seniors and fresh high school graduates. After graduating from high school, the next step in the academic journey is to attend a college or a university. Before I got into college, I wanted to attend a university. I never considered attending a community college because I considered it irrelevant and less rewarding than a university. Now I have a different view about community colleges and I can clearly point out the major difference between a community college and a university. A community college is a two year college which offers two or three year courses and award associate degrees and certificates. Most community colleges are linked with certain universities which makes it easier for students to transfer. My decision to attend a community was strongly influenced by Cost, easy transition to university, and the need to balance school, work, and social life.
Choosing a college means going to a new, unfamiliar world of immense possibilities. One of the hardest decisions a high school graduate face is the choice between attending a Community College or a University. Although Universities and Community College serve the same purpose, each has its differences and similarities in their learning such as the admission requirements, expenses, size, and student life. Community College are the most common type of two-year College that prepares you to continue your education, are often an affordable and convenient option. Universities you can earn Bachelor’s, Master’s and Doctoral degrees which is more expensive. At a University, you can
Class sizes are a lot smaller at a community college than a university. Some people are afraid to attend a university because
One thing I needed in my college of choice was that it had to be small because I knew I would be able to focus better. My first choice, Towson University, was a large school and all my friends currently go there, but God, and my perspicacious mother, clearly knew I should not go there because of the countless distractions that would have hindered my success. The small atmosphere of Catawba enabled them to have a family style relationship all around campus. I am used to this family style because it reminded me of my high school. Another reason I chose to enroll at Catawba was because of its six hour distance away from my home known as the DMV, D.C., Maryland, and Virginia, area. I have been in that area all my life and living somewhere else for I think would be greatly beneficial to my development as a person and would broaden my perspective. The other aspect of moving away from where you have been all your life is that you have to leave behind all your family and friends and that is one of the hardest parts. However, you will have a newfound appreciation for them that
When people talk about college, they are often talking about typical four year colleges and universities, but there’s another option. One that’s less talked about. Maybe because it’s viewed as less prestigious or maybe because it’s just not that common of a choice. Except that it is. Students from across the nation choose to attend Community Colleges for a myriad of different reasons. So why is Community College often viewed in a negative light when so many students are attending them? Why are so many students looked down upon for choosing Community College if it helps them achieve their goals in life? Your choice of college doesn’t diminish your achievements unless you let
There isn't anything more important to community colleges than the certainty that they can and should provide all qualified people who are looking to be accepted with admittance (Vaughan). The people of the community college represent forty-four percent of all undergraduates and forty-nine percent of students attending college for the first time (David). These students include a lot of minority students, students with a low social standing and the non-standard (age twenty-five and older) student who commonly enters college less academically equipped (David). Most community colleges have made immense advancement in reducing a lot of geographical and economic blockades that have in the past limited college admittance (David). Community
To me the product of a community college helps to fulfill a students potential. Students also gain independence and responsibility from college. Which is an important trait when entering the workplace after completing college. Those who choose to attend a community college will experience the same education as Harvard, but not at the extreme cost. Harvard has a brand association with it, most think of this university as the finest there is. In order to make a product better there are improvements that can be made to an existing product. While keeping your product comparable with those in the same market. A better-quality product is perceived by the consumer to be better because it fulfills a need and their
These days, community college enrollment is increasing exponentially at schools across the country, while four-year institutions have seen a small drop in student population within the past year. Although tuition is getting more expensive across the board, community colleges are still significantly more affordable than most four-year institutions. The reasons countless
There are three main reasons why I agree Community College is the best choice. The cost of a Community college, and the cost of a University, to class sizes that could fit between 15-20 students, and the convenience that each school has for their students, and teachers. Although both, universities and community colleges serve the same purpose, the two are very different from each other. For instance, you might be an upcoming freshmen, and not sure whether in picking a 2- year college or a 4- year college. Choices could be, where you can pick a two- year college, but may not be able to experience a life you cannot have at a university. But, I can tell you this, if you are not prepared to leave home or you have no set goals in mind, then Community
A myth about community college is that, “Students go to community college because they weren't accepted by a four-year school (” There are multiple myths about community colleges, but community colleges are the solution for raising the changes to get into a school they would not of gotten into out of high school, saving money, gives the opportunity for a more flexible schedule,
Community colleges are filled with many different types of people. Every person in a classroom is different because they have different learning styles, and also learn the material at a different pace. In community colleges you are placed in classes by your placement test results or your SAT
The top overwhelming thing about college would probably be the fact that most universities charge thousands of dollars just for even ONE semester which covers a meal plan, expensive tuition, pricy books, and a proportionate room in which will be shared with a stranger. If one were to attend a community college for their first two years, they will discover that they have saved thousands of dollars and that the credits
Some of you go to college go to play a sport for that college, in which case you would go to a University. At the time of graduation you are usually around 17 to 19, at this point in your life you have to think if you are ready to move out of your parents house and be on your own, and many do, again you would choose a University. There are some of you who want to stay under mom and dad’s roof and just want to go to college to see what living by yourself is like, to see if you will like it. In this case you would choose a Community college. For some this can be one of the harder decisions to make. Another difference of a University and Community college is the size. Not just the size of the campus, but the size of the classes and workload that you will be facing. With a University you have a large campus with numerous class buildings and dorms. At a Community college you will usually have only one building and all that this building contains is classrooms for learning. Sizes of most University classes are over 30 of you to a class; sometimes that number can be as high as 100 students to a class. When you are a student at a Community college you are usually one out of twenty. The most you will probably find in a classroom of a Community college will be around thirty.
College and university have an academic equal in the school. They had more hours than high school. They have professor in both schools. They have a marked improvement in financial aid. People want to take interesting school; but, they have different programs. Community colleges focus on 2-year and year certificate programs. University have a bachelor’s degree and take 4-years to complete school.
A big school or small, public or private, urban or rural; these are just a few of the many difficult deciding factors I faced during my college selection. At the height of my selection process, I had applied to ten schools ranging across all those factors. I was completely unsure of what I wanted to do with my life yet and had no idea what type of school I wanted. My mind wasn’t set enough on the future and I was too worried about getting through high school and working my full-time job. As it got closer to spring, I had to start making some decisions. Ultimately, I narrowed my deciding process to three factors to specifically analyze to make the right decision. Beginning with reputation, followed by student life, and lastly the financial cost to attend.