
The Components of Mishel’s Uncertainty of Illness Theory Essay

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Mishel’s Uncertainty of Illness Theory is a middle-range theory (Black, 2014). This means the theory is not overly broad or narrow. The theory was developed from studying men with prostate cancer who were watchfully waiting for the advancing signs of their disease (Black, 2014). The theory has three main components, which incorporate: the antecedents of uncertainty, impaired cognitive appraisal, and coping with uncertainty in illness (Neville, 2003). The antecedents of Mishel’s theory are the stimulus frame, cognitive capacities and event congruence (Neville, 2003). The stimulus frame concerns three parts including: symptom pattern, event familiarity and event congruency (Neville, 2003). Symptom pattern may be when symptoms of …show more content…

This study is based on uncertainty management intervention (UMI) treatment option. The candidates for the study were men who are 65 and older with a low stage and grade prostate disease. The UMI study used a system of nursing telephone follow-up care to help patients with their psychosocial and educational disease needs (Kazer, Whittemore, & Baily, 2010). The nursing intervention with the patients focused on “helping the patients examine illness-related events and restructure their beliefs… to incorporate uncertainty into a new life view.” (Kazer, Whittemore & Baily, 2010) The nursing intervention’s goal was to create a cognitive plan from events that are uncertain and use the plan to change their view of the uncontrollable situation presented to them.
Miho Suzuki’s study aimed to explore the relationships between uncertainty and the quality of life in patients with head and neck cancer in pre- and post- treatment periods. Suzuki intended to discover whether patients with head and neck cancer experience less uncertainty when they think they are able to express their concerns to their doctor. Also, Suzuki wanted to assess if the patients experienced less uncertainty when involved with treatment decision-making and sufficient information about symptoms. Suzuki used a prospective correlational

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