
The Concept Of Cloud Computing

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The previous chapter demonstrated the key fundamentals of the research and an introduction to the concept of Cloud Computing. Even though a lot of research work has been done on the subject of cloud computing, the field is still a relatively new academic field. The National Institute of standards has established the standards related to Cloud computing and the research into the subject continues, especially with new tools and technology infrastructure that continues to evolve at a very fast pace.
This chapter provides detailed and explicit information on the research methodology, establishing the different viewpoints of the research, as well as the methods that were used in this particular venture. The chapter will provide a …show more content…

The Organizational context in Chapter 2 provides details of the research environment and the image below provide high level overview of the governance structure of Royal Bank of Canada (based on the Bank’s Corporate Governance information available online). The governance structures are similar to this structure because they are all required to meet governance expectations of the Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions Canada (OSFI, 2013) Risk Governance Structure (Source: RBC Royal Bank Investor Relations Website)

Establishing the Research Theoretical Framework
This research investigates practical experience faced in managing risks associated with the adoption and implementation of cloud computing using a survey methodology. The following provides some theoretical information on the research framework.
Paradigm is a universally recognized scientific achievement that for a time provides model problems and solution for a community of practitioners (Kuhn, 1962). Creswell (1991) also defined research paradigm as a perspective about research held by a community of researchers that is based on a set of shared assumptions, concepts, values, and practices; more simply, it is an approach to thinking about and doing research.
Depending whether a research is a qualitative or qualitative research, two major paradigms can be adopted for a

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