
The Concept Of Perpendicularity

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Perpendicularity Perpendicularity is a member of the orientation family. It can be used to control the orientation of surface, axes and center- planes. If used on features of size, it is often used as a refinement of, or to augment a positional control. It is also often used to orient secondary datum features of size to primary plane datum. Perpendicularity is a characteristics of orientation applied to a feature or feature of size wherein that considered feature surface, line element, median plane or axis is being controlled (to within a specified tolerance) 90° to a datum plane or datum axis.
Perpendicularity is a common symbol that requires the referenced surface or line to b perpendicular or 90° from a datum surface or line.

Taguchi method …show more content…

This method is a unique and powerful statistical experimental technique, which greatly improves the engineering productivity. For present study, identifying the product the product parameter values under the optimal process parameter values and the objective of the parameter design is to optimize the settings of the process parameter values for improving performance characteristics. Therefore the parameter design is the key step in the Taguchi method to achieving high quality without increasing cost. Traditional Design of Experiments focused on how different design factors affect the average result level. In Taguchi’s DOE (robust design), variation is more interesting to study than the average.
Robust design: An experimental method to achieve product and process quality through designing in an insensitivity to noise based on statistical principles. A statistical / engineering methodology that aim at reducing the performance “variation” of a system.
The input variables are divided into two board

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