
The Consequences Of Globalization

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The Effects of Globalization Globalization is communication among the people, businesses, and governments of different countries. It has caused massive changes to the world because of all the downsides that is has. Globalization is currently a controversial issue because some people think it’s a good thing, but some people think it’s a bad thing. It means something different to everyone. The consequences of globalization have been mostly bad because lower-skilled workers got lower wages, had to work more, and had poor working conditions. Also, it causes environmental devastation and health issues. Although globalization can be bad, it can also be good because everybody involved can be developed even if their countries are losing jobs because of the developing world. The consequences of globalization have been mostly bad because lower-skilled workers had to work more, got lower wages, and worked in poor conditions. According to The True Cost film, the garment workers in Bangladesh make $2 per day. This shows that the workers there are paid very little even though they work in poor conditions. Also, according to The True Cost film, garment workers in Cambodia took the streets to demand a wage of at least $160. This also shows that workers are paid very little and clearly want a higher minimum wage because of it. Also according to The True Cost film, the Rana Plaza factory collapsed and hundreds died. This happened because the building was structurally unsafe. This

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