
The Controversy Over Corporal Punishment In Schools

Decent Essays

If you saw a teacher hitting their student, would you think it was okay or would you disagree? Corporal punishment of any child in school should be illegal in all states. Corporal punishment in school is causing the student pain in response to undesired behavior. It might involve hitting the student across the buttocks or the hand with a cane, wooden paddle, slipper, belt, or wooden yardstick (ruler). With corporal punishment you are not promoting a safe school, you can't sue the teacher who hit your child if the child gets hurt badly, and your also promoting violence into the vulnerable child's life; you're making a criminal. But, some might care to see that corporal punishment is okay and we can have it.

For instance, when you go to school their motto might be, "We have a safe school"; Jefferson's motto is "Safe, respectful, and responsible."According to, if there are teachers corporeally punishing the student as a form of discipline, the child will never feel safe in that school. Students are supposed to go to their teachers for help but if their teacher is beating them the student will never ask for help and they will struggle in class, possibly causing grades to go down. Some schools also have a moto that includes being healthy. If the child was hit hard enough to the point where …show more content…

We all don’t want to promote a dangerous school, children getting hurt with no charge of the person who did it, and we don’t want to promote violence into one's life. We want to be known as the country that keeps our children safe, but if we are punishing them just for their behavior, we will no longer be keeping them safe. Lets give The United States of America a good reputation and discipline students in other ways. We will make every fifty two states have corporal punishment illegal in

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