
The Correlation Between Shame Vs. Guilt, And The Self Conscious Emotions Of Guilt And Shame

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In the empirical article Bound to Feel Bad About Oneself: Relations Between Attachment and the Self-conscious Emotions of Guilt and Shame in Children and Adolescents by Peter Muris, Cor Meesters et. al. (2014) discusses the correlation between shame vs. guilt and the affects it has on children and adolescents. Some of the affected areas that were present in the study are defensive and avoidance behavior, psychopathological behaviors including: anger and aggression, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), anxiety disorders, eating problems, personality pathology, suicidal and self-injurious thoughts, and substance abuse. This study is important because it explains why some people have the issues that they develop as an adult; it is because of the lack of proper attention as a baby. Introduction The research in this article is significant because as we have learned in developmental psychology of children and adolescents, the relationship between shame and guilt and attachment is very fragile. Erikson’s explains that from one and a half years old to three years old are essential to whether the child will spend the rest of his/her life with reaching the stages of autonomy and initiative or shame and guilt. The results of completing these stages depends on the type of attachment the child will have on his/her parents and other people in their life. This article also states that the dysregulation of shame and guilt can lead to psychopathological symptoms. In

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