
The Cost Of A College Education Benefits

Decent Essays

“That’s the value of a college education… I don’t know anywhere in the world where you can make an investment and make that kind of return,” conceived by Gaston Caperton signifies that in the long run, a graduate student will be pleased that they invested in a college education because of the benefits that later show in their life. College takes a big toll on students both financially and mentally, but the result outweighs the cost. With a college education, a graduate will see that it ends up excelling their career and future. In today’s society, one may benefit from obtaining a college education despite the cost of attendance, because it will help to provide many opportunities for the student’s career, and provides a more stable life in our …show more content…

Many colleges are not exceedingly expensive, once financial aid is taken into account (Leonhardt). Financial aid varies for everyone, but colleges usually offer a fair amount to those who need it. Three decades ago, it was recorded that full time workers with a bachelor’s degree made 40 percent more than those with only a high school diploma (Leonhardt). Although the loans and debt may seem never-ending at the beginning, it is proven that you will make more than those who didn’t attend college. College is an investment for a graduate’s future, they pay for their education that will later make them more valuable to the work field. Adults who graduated from four year college believe that they are earning around $20,000 more annually because of their degree (Pew). The extra money a graduate is making can be used towards student loans for the first few years to pay them off, and then they can enjoy the money they are given due to their college education. A concern of many is that students are leaving college with a substantial debt burden (Pew). This tends to vary for everyone, depending on what college one goes to. The advantages of a college education comes with a price but there are many things students can do to cut down the debt, like getting a job, working hard to get scholarships, and …show more content…

After college, graduates have better job security and are less likely to be unemployed (Leonhardt). Employers are more likely to go with the one who has acquired more skills and teaching than someone with the minimal school required. Since graduates go and usually major in the field of work they want to go into, they have the education needed to do their job right. The development of a broader, more critical way of thinking that is associated with liberal learning can help a graduate when they are making decisions in their life (Roth). One can apply what they learned from furthered education to guide the direction of their life and make practical choices. Graduates know that when they come out with their degree, no matter what they are, they will be more than likely to have a job. Apart from the money, education seems to make people happier and healthier (Leonhardt). With college, graduates have a secure future and have the opportunity to achieve their ambitions. Even with cost being a deciding factor in determining if you should go to college or not, the opportunities it brings to you and the way your life will be later stabilized outweighs the price. College is something that many people work towards and helps them get where they want to be in life. In the end, college is worth the cost in the long run because of the impact the

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