
The Current Education System Has Long Been Up For Debate?

Decent Essays

The current education system has long been up for debate but why? We are currently facing an education paradigm and there are 2 reasons for it, the first is economic, we want to be able to set children up for the economy they will be living in, however, we are unable to predict what it will look like by tomorrow never mind a full generation later? The second is cultural, how do we pass on their cultural identity and roots when we are facing globalization? The current system is set up in such a way, that if you work hard, do well, go to university then you will get a job, however children no longer believe that, and are now without that motivation to do well?

The current system was designed in a different age during the industrial revolution and this very quickly shaped what our idea of intelligence was. We have however, moved on from this and we are now living in the age of the screen.

In this essay I will explore the opinions and effects of the newly emerging trends that are being brought to the front line of education, I want to look at the pros and cons of these within primary school education in the UK and how design can help re-shape the appearance of intelligence.
For this I will explore the opinions of leading researchers in the field such as Sir Ken Robinson, a creativity and educational expert who, in the opinion of some, is leading the push for an education re-design, Sugata Mitrai, a Pakistani educational activist who is currently pushing the boundaries of

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