The Dangers of Avarice
The novellal, The Pearl, is a story about how Kino’s greed destroys his family, but his wife Juana’s determination holds it together. Shortly after finding it, Juana realized how dangerous the pearl was going to be and tried to get rid of it unsuccessfully. If she had succeeded sh and Kino would have been saved embarrassment and pain. Juana’s support and intelligence keeps the family from complete destruction.
Kino’s avaricious actions lead to the downfall of his family, but his wife held it together with a great deal of effort. Juana tried to get rid of the pearl by throwing it back in the ocean, but Kino saw her before she could do it. He was outraged and he attacked her, punching her face. She then realized that in
Kino was attacked by mean trying to steal the pearl. He killed one of them in self-defense but Juana tells him that does not matter. He will still face consequences from the townspeople once the body is found in the morning.
To meet her goal, Juana had to tolerate the conflict the pearl gave her family, and Kino. Juana knew the pearl was attracting problems, and though she trusted Kino, she still felt hesitant about the entire situation. Juana knew that getting rid of the pearl would make the colonists leave them alone, and then she eventually decided that she would have to get rid of the pearl herself without Kino’s consent. “He hissed at her like a snake, and Juana stared at him with wide unfrightened eyes, like a sheep before the butcher. She knew there was murder in him, and it was all right; she had accepted it, and she would not resist or even protest.”
Another example of greed is shown when Juana takes the pearl from Kino to throw back into the sea. Kino realizes what she is doing and goes after her. Just as Juana is about to discard the pearl, Kino grabs her arm and wrenches the pearl from her. He punches her in the face and when she falls on the boulders, he kicks her in the side. The following quote establishes the violence that Kino unleases on his wife in order to protect his precious pearl from harm, due to his greediness of what the pearl will bring to him and his family: “…Rage surged in Kino. He leaped at Juana and wrenched the pearl from her…with clenched fists, struck her in the face…kicked her in the side…Greedy fingers went through his clothes” (58-59).
Kino and his wife Juana are not the richest people in town. They live in a small brush house just off the beach with their son coyotito. One day coyotito is stung by a scorpion. The doctor living in the land of plaster will not help them because they are too poor, so Kino goes out and finds the pearl of the world in hopes of healing coyotito, but instead something much worse happens. The author shows how greed left unchecked leads Kino to hurt the ones he loves most.
However, Kino was enraged with anger at Juana for trying to throw away his pearl. The pearl had changed him for the worse, it had become part of him he loved the pearl. Kino would do anything to make sure that nothing would happen to it, even if it meant beating up his wife in order to save his pearl.
In chapter 5 Juana tries to throw the pearl in the ocean and Kino reacted violently, according to the text “He struck her in the face with a clenched fist and she fell among the boulders, and he kicked her in the side.” (59 Steinbeck). By analyzing the text I can infer that Kino cares about Juana less than he did in the beginning of the story because of how he struck her to stop her from throwing the pearl, instead of stopping her in a more gentle manor. I also believe that Kino is more violent and has more rage because he struck Juana again with his foot when she fell to the ground. Overall I think the pearl had very negative effects on Kino and corrupted him with
In “THE PEARL” family plays a crucial role in Kino’s journey, Kino confronts many obstacles when overcome with greed and his path of monomania, along this path he finds that his family will support him unconditionally. The loyalty of Kino’s family members brings Kino to a realization of his monomania and he decides to throw the pearl in the ocean. Juan Tomas is correct to shield Kino from the law because he wants to protect Kino and help him on his path to a better life for his family, even though Kino committed murder, his actions were in self defense and is morally sound. I believe that Juana is not correct to be submissive to kino and that she should have been more assertive with her ideas to protect her family from Kino’s actions and prevent
Juana begs Kino to get rid of the pearl because she thinks it’s evil, but Kino refuses to get rid of it because he believes
At the beginning of the story they both felt content and happy as show in this quote “Sometimes it rose to an aching chord that caught the throat, saying this is safety, this is warmth, this is the Whole.”. They did not even speak because their understanding was so great. But after Kino found the pearl his relationship steadily deteriorates as shown in this quote “"Kino," she said huskily, "I am afraid. A man can be killed. Let us throw the pearl back into the sea." "Hush," he said fiercely. "I am a man. Hush.”. That shows that as time goes by Kino is acting ruder and harshly to Juana all because of the greed the pearl caused. Another example is "This thing is evil," she cried harshly. "This pearl is like a sin! It will destroy us," and her voice rose shrilly. "Throw it away, Kino. Let us break it between stones. Let us bury it and forget the place. Let us throw it back into the sea. It has brought evil. Kino, my husband, it will destroy us." And in the firelight her lips and her eyes were alive with her fear. But Kino's face was set, and his mind and his will were set” this quote shows that Juana is becoming increasingly fearful yet Kino is sure this is the way and is willing to do whatever is necessary to become wealthy. This causes a strain between their relation. Finally the worst thing Kino commits is the act of attacked Juana. He is described as a snake hissing at her and hitting her that makes her fall. He even continues to kick her after she has fallen and she accepts it and knows he may even murder her. This shows that Kino has broken all limits of humanity and is being consumed by
Kino and Juana had different points of views about the meaning of the pearl. Although the pearl could change their lives completely, Juana knew since the beginning that pearl even though its value, was a bad thing. However, Kino did not agree with her perspective and created a lot of expectations in which caused their lives to be miserable and severely affected by his actions. The pearl was a sin, it attracted the bad and all of the things that could cause a feeling of pain, hostility, jealousy, pride, and even destruction. But still, with all that and all of the warnings that Juana gave it to Kino, he still thought that the pearl was capable of doing a miracle, curing his son, and giving his family a better life than they ever did before.
That night, an intruder comes to the house searching for the pearl, but Kino wakes up and uses his knife to stab and make the intruder run away. Kino is wounded from the fight with the intruder, but Juana takes care of him and keeps his wounds from becoming extremely
We all know the pearl, from the novel “The Pearl” was very deceiving. The pearl was suppose have a good impact on Kino’s life. However, the pearl turned out to have many negative effects on Kino’s life. The many different effects of the pearl eventually changed Kino’s life forever. However, the pearl had different stages and meanings in the novel, which includes the different symbolisms of the pearl, what the pearl meant Kino in different stages in the novel, and what it meant to the community.
Later that night, Juana attempts to take the pearl and throw it into the ocean, but Kino finds her and beats her for doing so. While outside, a group of men accost Kino and knock the pearl from his hand. Juana watches from a distance, and sees Kino approach her, limping with another man whose throat Kino has slit. Juana finds the pearl, and they decide that they must go away even if the murder was in self-defense.
The pearl's evil infects Kino like a ravaged disease and consumes his mind. He starts off with good intentions, but they become twisted. He wants to sell the pearl and use the money to better his family's lifestyle. He has dreams and goals that each depends on the pearl selling for a good price. Juana sensing the evil and greed coming from Kino attempts to destroy it. Kino beats her unmercifully. "He struck her in the face and she fell among the boulders, and he kicked her in the side...He hissed at her like a snake and she stared at him with wide unfrightened eyes, like a sheep before a butcher." Juana sees through the outer beauty of the pearl and knew it would destroy Kino and herself. Kino's vision from the soul becomes blurred by the possible prosperity the pearl will bring. The evil invades Kino's life as well as everyone he knows and loves.
In chapter 5, Juana attempts to throw the pearl into the water, then Kino proceeds to “(59) [strike] her in the face.” When you marry someone you swear to love your spouse until death comes, and punching your wife in the face shatters that vow into pieces. Kino demonstrates a lack of love and care by punching Juana. Adding on, later on in chapter 5, Kino admits that “ (67) the pearl has become my soul.” This displays that Kino now is fully dependent on the Pearl.