
The Dark Triad And Sexual Harassment

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Section One: Summary and Analysis (Strength and Weaknesses) The article “The Dark Triad and sexual harassment proclivity” consists of research that concerns the importance of individuals with tendencies that engage in sexual behaviors. It’s unfortunate that sexual harassment is even prevalent at such a high rate within our society. Moreover, it state that “44% of female and 19% of male federal employees report that they have been sexually harassed at work (United States Merit Systems protection Board, 1995). Consequently, there are results of sexual harassment within the job sector such as lack of job employment, lack of adjustment after the situations, and the like. Therefore, according to the article, researchers began to expand their understanding of sexual harassment and the causes of behavior that promote sexual harassment. More specifically, this article states “…Previous research has established that these traits are connected with aspects of sexual aggression (e.g. Figueredo, Gladden, Sisco, Patch, & Jones, 2015, Jones & Olderbak, 2014).
Therefore, two studies were conducted that connected the personality traits of The Dark Triad such as narcissism, psychopathy, and Machiavellianism to situations or reasons behind sexual harassment proclivity. One study focused on the positive associations of Dark Triad traits to sexual harassment. The second study was similar to the first study result; however, it also revealed how Dark Triad traits were connected to the

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