
The Definition Of Global Imperialism

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Imperialism: a policy of extending a country's power and influence through diplomacy or military force. There is more to imperialism than what is in the definition. Imperialism isn’t just power and influence or military force, its culture and that countries way of living to. It’s in our history. Just look at what the pilgrims did to the Indians. They used somewhat military force on them and enslaved them. The they forced their culture and religious beliefs on them like Christianity and how they dress. “Imperialism was a disorganized phenomenon involving incredible violence, plunder, resistance, and heated debate. It involved state power and private enterprise but also led to changes in culture.” (Smith, Bonnie G. Imperialism: a History in Documents. Oxford University Press, 2000.) Global Imperialism first started in the 15th century. “In the late 15th century European states-Portugal, Spain, France, the Netherlands, and England-started a new phase of imperial development when they began sending their people to many parts of the world….” (Smith, Bonnie G. Imperialism: a History in Documents. Oxford University Press, 2000.) “Religious authorities undertook to Christianize the indigenous, or local, people, further adding to the colonizing impulse.” Imperialist fought to imperialize countries or certain parts of the world. Even people of the same race fought against each other. People where fighting against other people to enslave and imperialize other countries or other parts

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