
The Destructiveness Of The Slave Trade

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ATIENZA, Rizsa Mae 03 October 2015 Fall 2015 HIST 177 Primary Document Analysis The Destructiveness of the Slave Trade Olaudah Equiano begins the narrative by describing his home. He paints for his audience a charming, very fruitful picture of his province Essaka. It was a place where all the neighborhood children would come together and play whilst their parents were away laboring in the fields. He recalls being taught by his mother how to defend himself. They would practice shooting and throwing javelins-all the ways of their greatest warriors. It was to his utter dismay however; that he would never again be able to relive those moments, for he and his sister had been captured. He stated that an end was put to his happiness the day they were kidnapped. He goes on to speak of the days following the abduction, and how he and his sister tried to resist and break free but to no avail. The little comfort they found was in each other, but it was not long before they too were forced to separate. Olaudah’s narrative shines light on the resistance of many African captives while sharing his very own experience and the resentment he felt towards the hostile and desensitizing slave trade. Early in the passage Olaudah makes a comparison of his people to the Jews. He lists the similarities in their cultural practices, such as: circumcision, feasting, and the naming of their children after special events or circumstances. His purpose in doing this was to legitimize his people by

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