
The Differences Of Living On Campus Wellness In College Students

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Campus wellness Many college students picked the school based on how far away it is from home. And within the first year of college the student becomes homesick and wants to move back home for certain reasons. In this research paper, I will talk about how some college student’s wellness is different from those who live on campus versus the ones who live off campus for the school. Living on campus gives you a better feel for the campus life and making adult decisions by yourself and not having to worry about your parents. Also, your health can be difficult with living on campus because you’re not able to go see your regular doctor if you are sick. The difference with living off campus is you are staying at home with your parents and they do not have the chance to gain the campus life experience. Many college student’s maturity level grows because they are gaining their own responsibilities and no having to deal with what their parents want for them. Living off campus reduces the chance of the students gaining the college life experience and gaining responsibilities for themselves. That is why students will have a better college experience if they live on campus all four years of their college life. “…Living on-campus are at entrance more disposed to engage in various educational, social and cultural experiences of college” (Pascarella 247).
Coming to live on campus will give one more opportunity to gain experience in the campus life, not having to deal with your parents,

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