
The Dream Team : The Dreams Team

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The Dream Team The dream team was in full effect. We are just one happy team. Tick yeah, we was complete opposite. Dysfunctional is all we could do. Our coaches always told us “To be a team we need to act like one.” I guess we didn’t understand that. “We need to be cohesive with each other”, Could we do this. Lets try to start our senior year with bang! Well it did start off with a bang, but the wrong kind of bang. I wonder if they know the definition of team. As far I know there is no “I” in team. Season start- not even three weeks in it, and we are yelling at each other. It was like it wasn’t in our fate to be a team. It didn’t matter how many times our coaches said “That we need to learn how to play one whole” it was like they could never get through their thick skull. Me and Kayleah, Jurey, and Louise the seniors on the team and the co-captains, would always try to set examples for the girl to follow. Saying, “ We can not get anything done if the team does not work together” “ Well it is not just us you know, it is you guys too.” The girls hissed Calmly saying, “We are a team and we should be working as one. No one better then any one.” “ I agree with you.” Confidently said Louise. “Well me and Kayleah feel the same way.” Quietly said Jurey. Why can’t we just try to work together? I just cannot figure it out, yet they have cliques. To be just one team it is like a chore. I was livid- it just didn’t make sense to talk to other

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