
The Dual Comparison Theory

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The Dual Comparison Theory
The conceptualization of comparison process as a two stage phenomena is based on the concept of dual process theory. Dual process theory provides an account of how a phenomenon can occur in two different ways or as a result of two different processes. The theory establishes the dichotomy of automatic and control process in explaining various phenomena’s in social, personality, cognitive and clinical psychology. Many models were proposed to explain the complex nature of parameters defining the process and the way they interact for a particular behavior. (Bargh & Chartrand 1999,Chaiken and Troupe 1999,Epstein ,1994,Evans 2008,2010a,2010b,Gilbert 1989,Kahneman 2003,Schneider & Shiffrin 1977,Sherman et al 2014,Sloman …show more content…

Stage 1 of the comparison process is the automatic process deep graven into our cognitive mind. . Being a contrast effect, it works as the initial part of cognitive processing and is beyond the control of individual (Wedell 1994, Pg. 1007) so we compare with everybody at stage one. This automatic, process, which have a single goal of self enhancement, developed out of frequent and consistent experience in an environmental domain. Over the time during the evolution of human beings, the need to self-enhance with its benefit in surviving and mating, make us imbibe the strategies for self-enhancement in our cognitive mind and made the process automatic. Hence the routine conscious processes of self enhancement, which is concerned with behavioral responses to the environment , becomes subsumed by efficient automatic processes, that operates without the need for conscious guidance, attention or awareness .(Wendel and Bargh 1999). Commenting on the self enhancement goal getting tagged along in an automatic process has precedence in previous research work. Chartrand et all (2008). Work on automatic goal activation has demonstrated that a wide variety of goal directed behavior that appears to be …show more content…

With unknown targets, the stimuli are usually the physical characteristics and for the known targets, it is the information we already know about them. Once started the stage one runs by itself and does not need any conscious guidance or monitoring. This process is very fast and efficient and does not consume much cognitive energy of the brain. The defined characteristics of the stage 1, confirms its candidature for an automatic process (Bargh 1994).Another aspect of the stage one is its intrapersonal nature. Hipple (2011) gave a very interesting analogy of Masturbation to such intrapersonal processes having origin in interpersonal activity. It develops to enjoy the happiness originated from Copulation, when the circumstances conspire against sharing it with others. Similarly comparison process stage one develops to ensure self enhancement, when it is considered inappropriate by society to achieve it openly in public situations. The positive effect of self enhancement on well-being and achieving the survival and mating motive must have propagated the formation of this stage. Specific strategies employed at this stage will be discussed further in our

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