
The Dynamics of Workplace Learning as a Rheumatology Clinical Coordinator

Decent Essays

I am a field Rheumatology Clinical Coordinator (RCC) for one of the largest biologic companies in the United States. My work revolves around educating physicians, nurses, and other healthcare professionals on rheumatology and the correct usage of our medications. I travel extensively throughout eastern Pennsylvania and western New York, with the majority of my work time being consumed driving or flying from one place to another. I also spend a lot of nights in hotels to save on travel time. My companies’ home office is in San Francisco, California. The majority of our education (especially education that revolves around compliance guidelines) is complete in my companies’ online learning website. We are also required to attend home office educational in-services on a regular basis to meet the guidelines set forth by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the United States Pharma Code of Conduct on the use and promotion of our products. My company encourages education and staff development for all of its employees. Therefore, if someone is left out of the development process, it is his or her own doing. One of the first questions I was asked when I started my current position was “what to you want to do next, and how can we help you get there”. My company had me write an extensive career development plan, with both short and long term goals. The opportunities made available to me are numerous. I can go online and take a course in any topic I desire. I can

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