
The Education Issue Of Children With Disability

Decent Essays

The education issue of children with disability has become an integral part of the global discourse. It is stated as one of the Sustainable Development Goals as well as the Incheon Declaration by the UN in 2015 (Singal, 2016). Sadly, the community of children with disability is still excluded from equal education (Singal, 2016). It is mentioned in a report by Plan International (2013) that children with disabilities were 10 times less likely to attend school than children without disabilities. Among all the countries with this issue, India is a special case: the enrollment rate of children with disability has rose rapidly while the quality of education is still concerning.
Background information of India
According to Indian …show more content…

This situation even exists in states with above average education indications and high overall enrollments. In Kerala, the out of school rate of children with disability is 27%, while the average illiteracy rate is 6.09% and in Tamil Nadu the number is 33% (Office of the Registrar General & Census Commissioner, India, 2011).
In fact, ever since the independence from the British Raj in 1947, the Government of India has conducted a serious of action to provide education to children with disability. However, the effectiveness of these initiatives is doubted (Sharama & Das, 2015).
In this paper, the definition and measurement of disability in India will be introduced, the different initiatives the government of India has put in effort will be introduced in a chronological sequence, and the reasons of the existence of education inequality faced by children with disability will be explored. All information will be used as a background of further discussing on the effectiveness of existing policies.
Definition of Disability in India
According to the Social Statistics Division, Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation Government of India (2016), disability is considered as a result of the interaction between individuals and their environment. Hence, people with similar health situation may have different disability. However, when it comes to measuring disability in practice, it is based on

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