
The Education Of The United States Essay

Decent Essays

The Education Revolution
Currently, the United States is ranked 14th in its educational standard, 17th in educational performance and 24th in literacy (Mark). Compared to the rest of the world, we are behind countries like Poland, China, Finland and New Zealand. For a country that prides itself on its successful western society, what is stopping us from having an education system to match the standards we have put on the rest of our amenities. However, a solution is closer than it seems. According to Rasmussen College, there are 6.7 million students currently enrolled in online courses, therefore with an increasing number of students attending these classes, it is not a question on whether or not these classes will become normal, but when and how these classes will revolutionize our education system (Bird). Online courses offer students the ability to create an education based around their schedule, and allow students who may struggle or may not be able to attend a traditional school environment the chance to have an equal education. Not only can the students benefit from an online education environment, but both schools and professors can gain from an online system. Moreover, such courses can help create a global education system that allows anyone to have the same access to an education anywhere in the world as long as they have a connection to the internet.
Online classes allow students to create a flexible schedule for students with jobs and busy home lives and can

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