The Education Revolution
Currently, the United States is ranked 14th in its educational standard, 17th in educational performance and 24th in literacy (Mark). Compared to the rest of the world, we are behind countries like Poland, China, Finland and New Zealand. For a country that prides itself on its successful western society, what is stopping us from having an education system to match the standards we have put on the rest of our amenities. However, a solution is closer than it seems. According to Rasmussen College, there are 6.7 million students currently enrolled in online courses, therefore with an increasing number of students attending these classes, it is not a question on whether or not these classes will become normal, but when and how these classes will revolutionize our education system (Bird). Online courses offer students the ability to create an education based around their schedule, and allow students who may struggle or may not be able to attend a traditional school environment the chance to have an equal education. Not only can the students benefit from an online education environment, but both schools and professors can gain from an online system. Moreover, such courses can help create a global education system that allows anyone to have the same access to an education anywhere in the world as long as they have a connection to the internet.
Online classes allow students to create a flexible schedule for students with jobs and busy home lives and can
A few weeks ago, I was walking downtown, when this random came up to me and said “You in school? That’s good, that’s good. Education is important.” From the state of her hair and clothes, and the smell of her breath, I assumed she was homeless. I didn’t really pay much attention to her, because homeless people are so common in downtown Atlanta. I was just hoping that she wasn’t going to ask me for any money! After a while, I started thinking about what the homeless woman had said; “Education is important.” Growing up, I had always been taught that people who lived in the streets had been afforded the same opportunities as I had, but they had simply chosen to ignore them.
Today, education enables us to enlarge our knowledge and open doors for opportunities to the path of having a good future. In the five readings, each written by a different author, there was a lesson learned and something to take away from each one. Reading through the passages by Mann, Moore, Malcolm X, Gatto, Rose, and Anyon, each author contributed his or her point of view on general public education. This topic can be very argumentative depending on the quality of education people receive. Education today is the single most important mean for individuals to achieve their personal goals in the workforce.
I can really look back at high school and say, “what did I learn?” and “how is it helping me today in life?” Because it really hasn’t helped at all. Being in my second year out of high school I can honestly say I’ve learned more on my own and on the fly then what I learned in school. Everything I learned was just to turn in assignments and pass tests to pass school but really have me learn the curriculum. A student who has a straight F can have an exemplary IQ and a student who just turns everything in can be a lot lower. Jack Schneider said, “Everything in American education is broken”, he further explains that, the educational system simply stopped working, its aged, declined, and broke but also felt like the system certainly didn’t need to changed. In the Article the Schneider is very skeptical about supporting the topic. The Author does not completely support the topic because of his skeptics.
According to Dudley Devlin writes that high schools education in America has three main problems public vs. private schools, high stakes tests, and laws forcing students to say the pledge of allegiance and take a course in U.S patriotism. In first paragraph, he explained that high school students need to know about US history but at the same time they need to know about other cultures because the education is becoming narrower and students becoming less knowledge. For example, instead students learn about America or Europe history, they need to know about Asia and Africa history. In addition Professor Martha support his idea about the international education. Also, universities around the states have courses about America’s place in the
The American public educational system is filled with an assortment of problems. Most students are graduating with less knowledge and capability than similar students in other industrialized countries. Classroom disruptions are surprisingly common, and in some classrooms, nearly continuous. The public education system is having difficulty adjusting to the no child left behind act. The No Child Left Behind(NCLB) is a landmark in education reform designed to improve student achievement and change the culture of American’s schools.
Education in the United States has long been a concerned issue for teachers, parents, and communities. It is a major political topic, in which government has shown continuous efforts to compare and evaluate standards from state to state by creating and monitoring various programs for overall academic improvement across the country.
Although many Americans attest to the validity of a sound American education, the darkest secrets of this glorified giant have yet to be revealed to the public to expose it as the greatest enemy of the rising youth in contemporary culture. Beginning with the rise of the Common Core Initiative as well as the No Child Left Behind Act; youth has been tossed into an industrialized education where the government has top priority in reformation of learning techniques while schools, who shape the students themselves, have the lowest priority. This is all possible due to the rising number of teachers heeding the “Initiative,” using invalid strategies for instruction—homework becoming the dominant source for reinforcement of fundamental concepts. The habits formed by students in high school indubitably carry over to post-secondary education; as a result, the recent graduates are unprepared for what awaits them in the next steps of rigorous education. Public American Education was founded upon fine values; however, the end results don’t justify the means of education as more and more youth are thrusted from the “Race to the Top” into a competitive “Race to Nowhere,” ill-equipped to face the real problems of the world; thus, the public education system is inadequate to bring up the future leaders of this nation.
Here in America every single child is sent to school starting at the age of five years old for kindergarten, and sometimes as early as two years old for pre-school and continue on to get an education late into their twenties, some even going on to take classes the rest of their lives. Education in America is something that is readily available and even is required by law, but taken for granted by many children. On flip side third world countries often do not have schools or public education mandated by government, and most times it is not even available when most children yearn for it. Education is taken for granted in America, and in third world countries where education is almost completely absent something can be learned from their
Higher education in the United States, today, is a modified derivative of colonial American higher education. To understand its purpose, it is imperative to contextualize its founding.
Since 1983 public education has been an issue in America. The system has been constantly changing every year with reforms. This constant change has been driven by the American people’s perception that education has declined and something should be done about it. First there was an increased emphasis on basic skills, making school years longer and more graduation requirements. Second, many began focusing on increasing teachers professionalism. Third, they began restructuring many things such as how the schools were organized and how the school day was structured etc. Now today the most of the American people believe that not enough money is given to public schooling. They associate academic improvement with the money the school is funded.
The quality of education given in today's schools has declined since the idea of schools began. Currently students are graduating without being able to read or write. The blame lies on the teachers, government and every American citizen for not speaking up to bring change sooner. Only in the most recent years has there been any will to change the system.(Sharma)
Education in the United States is a very crucial part of a person’s life. Going to school opens doors and facilitates the pathway for future individual achievement and economic success. Formal education is a conscious effort by human society to convey the skills and modes of thought considered essential for social functioning.
People can take online courses these days. It is a chance for most people to get online courses on their own place. Students have the capacity to look over many diverse programs that would help them with their needs. Nowadays, most of the programs are available online from each department like business, management, and information technology. Additionally, students can browse different sorts of degree. The online courses have lower costs since they do not buy textbooks; they can downloads all assignments and all different materials that are required for their classes. Another benefit of these online classes is saving time since students do not have to attend classes, so they might have more time to do their assignments and study. Online classes evacuate the anxiety by permitting learners to study when it is helpful for most learners would like to study at different time. Likewise, students at schools have to take their exams and quizzes on the day their instructor planned for , but
In many schools, online classes are becoming more available to students. Recent studies show that the use of online classes has been rapidly increasing over the past three years. Currently, there are a total of 6,700,000 students enrolled in all different variations of courses
Education is an important part of people’s lives; it will either make them or break them in the future depending on the careers they choose. Education is greatly diverse today in comparison to the 1950s because of advancements in teaching and other great inventions that provide easier techniques of teaching. One major issue that has been raised is distant learning courses and online education.