
The Effect Of Love Gone Sour On A Child 's Development

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“What’s love got to do with it?” When it comes to matters of relationships, our primary relationships in early childhood, such as maternal love, impacts how all other relationships in our life progress and function. Formulated by psychoanalysts John Bowlby and Mary Ainsworth (McLeod, 2009), Attachment theory asserts that our early emotional bonds shape and influence the dynamics of all our interpersonal relationships. As a result, love and attachment play an important role in our lives. Beyond infancy, childhood development and experiences guide our behaviors, especially in matters of the heart. Love is a tricky science even in the best of circumstances; yet, for children of divorce, the impact of love gone sour has long lasting effects. Healthy, loving, stable marriages are good for the couples in them; for the children of those relationships, their emotional, physical, educational and social wellbeing depends on a harmonious union between their parents. The effects of parental discord and divorce on a child’s development are far reaching. In fact, studies show that the divorce greatly impacts the intergenerational transmission of attachment styles. The grim reality is that fifty percent of all marriages in the United States end in divorce. On any given day an average 6,646 marriages end (Ruane, 2013), leaving the children of those relationships at risk for academic, behavioral and psychological problems. Further, research indicates that children of divorce experience

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