Climate change has become a major issue in today’s society. Coming from the rise of Greenhouse Gas emissions and changing temperature caused human developments, world leaders and organisations are working on ways to combat the problem. This includes taking steps towards renewable energy and a cleaner future. Although, human activity is not the sole cause to the rising earth’s temperatures. Besides are use of greenhouse gases and fossil fuels, natural Influences including the current El Niño period and the natural carbon, nitrogen and water cycles impact our world. By predicting our outcome using technology, we can prevent major issues that would further affect the future of our planet.
Although climate change is greatly affected by human
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When a positive dipole is in effect, it is usually warm waters in the west and cool waters north of Australia, with drier conditions and weaker winds (BOM, 2014). A negative dipole is almost opposite, with warm waters in the north and cool waters in the north west of Australia, which brings normal rainfall (Linstead, 2012).
Cycles including the nitrogen, carbon and water cycle also have an effect on our climate and can be affected by both natural and human activity. The processes are all connected and work together to produced and recycle gases in their biosphere. The carbon cycle is defined by how natural and man-made organisms absorb and release CO2 and carbon gases (British Broadcasting Corporation [BBC], 2015). This cycle usually begins with the exertion of the gas via decaying organisms, animal waste and factory emissions, which are then released into the air. These are then absorbed through photosynthesis (Linstead, 2012). The nitrogen cycle can be split into several parts which all cycle through the lithosphere and atmosphere. The water cycle consists of the evaporation of water, to condensation in the clouds to the precipitation of water.
These three cycles can be linked by how human activity affects them. Due to the excessive amounts of CO2 produced by the use of fossils fuels, vegetation that uses photosynthesis is unable to absorb the right amount of the gases, leaving them to decay and creating more
When trees are burned, CO2 is relinquished. The burning of astronomically immense areas of trees is known as deforestation. Human activities integrate more CO2 into the atmosphere through activities like the burning of fossil fuels. The guiding question of this investigation is, “Which carbon cycle process affects atmospheric carbon the most?” The researchers initially wanted to learn 2 things. First, the researchers wanted to learn how much carbon engenderment there would be if they incremented the amount of fossil fuels burnt by a certain amount. The researchers also wanted to learn how much carbon engenderment there would be if they incremented the amount of deforestation.
Carbon dioxide (CO2) is the most significant of these gases. The amount of naturally produced CO2 is almost perfectly balanced by the amount naturally removed through photosynthesis and its dissolution in oceans. However, the overuse of fossil fuels is leading to increased CO2 in the atmosphere, trapping more and more heat and warming the Earth.
What is the carbon cycle? “Sequence of processes through which carbon compounds move from one carbon reservoir or sink (such as forests and oceans) to another (such as atmosphere) and back. Since more carbon dioxide is being released into the atmosphere through the burning of fossil fuels and less
The Carbon Cycle is the series of processes by which carbon compounds are interconverted in the environment, chiefly involving the incorporation of carbon dioxide into living tissue by photosynthesis and its return to the atmosphere through respiration, the decay of dead organisms, and the burning of fossil fuels.
2) Carbon Cycle needs all the components to work in order for it to function as a “cycle”. Without Decomposers it will result in dead organisms that contain carbon to not be returned the environment. It will not be broken down into the soil and taken up by plants. Deforestation happens in a lot of rain forest and they tend to use the land as farmland. When this happens it is the loss of a Carbon sink. Trees take out CO2 and store it as cellulose. So you lost plants to take in CO2. If there was a volcanic eruption and it resulted in a lot of dust in the atmosphere it would reduce photosynthesis dramatically. This would happen because photons would not be able to hit the chlorophyll of the plants. This would stop the plant from
In the carbon cycle, the key events are the complementary reactions of respiration and photosynthesis. Respiration takes carbohydrates and oxygen and combines them to produce carbon dioxide, water, and energy. Photosynthesis (6CO + 12H O + Light Energy C H O + 6O +6H O) takes carbon dioxide and water and produces carbohydrates and oxygen. The outputs of respiration are the inputs of photosynthesis, and the outputs of photosynthesis are the inputs of respiration. The reactions are also complementary in the way they deal with energy. Photosynthesis takes energy from the sun and stores it in the carbon-carbon bonds of carbohydrates; respiration releases that energy. Both plants and animals carry on respiration, but only plants and other producers can carry on photosynthesis. The chief reservoirs for carbon dioxide are in the oceans and in rock. Carbon dioxide dissolves readily in water. Once there, it may precipitate as a solid rock known as calcium carbonate. Corals and algae encourage this reaction and build up limestone reefs in the process. On land and in the water, plants take up carbon dioxide and convert it into carbohydrates through photosynthesis. This carbon in the plants now has 3 possible endings. It can be returned to the atmosphere by the plant through respiration; it can be eaten by an animal, or it can be present in the plant when the plant dies. Animals obtain all their carbon in their food, and, thus, all carbon
For the thermonuclear reaction involving carbon that powers some stars, see CNO cycle. For organic chemical ring-shaped structures, see cyclic compounds. This diagram of the fast carbon cycle shows the movement of carbon between land, atmosphere, and oceans in billions of tons per year. Yellow numbers are natural fluxes, red are human contributions, white indicate stored carbon. Note this diagram does not account for volcanic and tectonic activity, which also sequesters and releases carbon. The carbon cycle is the biogeochemical cycle by which carbon is exchanged among the biosphere, pedosphere, geosphere, hydrosphere, and atmosphere of the Earth. Carbon is the main component of biological compounds as well as a major component of many minerals such as limestone. Along with the nitrogen cycle and the water cycle, the carbon cycle comprises a sequence of events that are key to make Earth capable of sustaining life. It describes the movement of carbon as it is recycled and reused throughout the biosphere, as well as long-term processes of carbon sequestration to and release from carbon sinks
There are many biological reasons as to why there is climate change in the world, it is most easily explained by the greenhouse effect. The greenhouse effect is the buildup of greenhouse gasses in our atmosphere allowing for heat to come in safely but trapping a portion of it inside. Greenhouse gasses are carbon dioxide, methane, water vapor, nitrous oxide, and fluorinated gasses. Because of these gases, the heat that comes in from the sun then is radiated back to the surface including land and water. In a BBC report, it states that the greenhouse gas emission percentage by type is 77% for carbon dioxide, 14% of methane, 8% of nitrous oxide, and 1% of fluorinated gasses (BBC). Carbon dioxide is released through natural methods for example, “respiration by plants and
Human activity has altered the global carbon cycle in multiple ways. One of the most impactful ways that the carbon cycle has been impacted is thru the use of fuels has added an abundant amount of carbon dioxide to the world. This is a major concern because this is dangerous to human life, but it adds to global warning.
The carbon cycle is very important to human life because humans cant breathe carbon dioxide for long periods of time. Carbon dioxide is attached to the oxygen and that needs to go away so humans can breathe it properly. The plant cycle relies heavily on the carbon cycle because plants consume the carbon dioxide because the carbon dioxide and photosynthesis (light from the sun) helps their food grow. The plants then lets the oxygen go for animals and humans to breathe. When a plant dies, it gets buried under the surface and slowly turns into fossil fuels. This process of the fossil fuel takes millions of years. But when humans burn the fossil fuels (by using cars and other machinery that uses fossil fuels) it enters the atmosphere as
The Carbon Cycle is a process necessary to all life forms as carbon is used for photosynthesis, cellular respiration, and is found in all living organisms. This process occurs naturally from cellular respiration, decomposition, and volcanic eruptions. However from burning fossil fuels and cutting down trees at a rapid pace carbon dioxide is being released into the atmosphere at an artificial rate. The overabundance of atmospheric carbon dioxide is causing for global warming. This global warming is causing extreme havoc to the Earth and all of its life forms. However this damage, although cannot be reversed, can be changed for the better.
Carbon Dioxide plays a key role in the atmosphere. This gas has properties that allow it to sustain and hold in heat, which in turn warms the planet (EIA, 2004). Carbon, the primary component of carbon dioxide; is also the essential molecule for life and is the most basic building block found in all organic compounds. Human activities been blamed for the disruption of the earth’s natural carbon cycles and according to some studies, carbon is being added to the atmosphere faster than the natural processes that sequestrate it. The massive carbon sinks that naturally regulated and fixated excess carbon dioxide have been destroyed as humans have deforested ancient forests for the
The Carbon cycle is very important throughout the ecosystem. IT starts out with plants who take in Carbon Dioxide which is used to go through photosynthesis. The Glucose from photosynthesis, which contains the carbon, is transferred from the producer to the consumer. The Animal breathes out the carbon dioxide after cellular respiration turns the glucose into ATP and carbon Dioxide.
Carbon is an important part of all living things on earth. The carbon cycle is a way for nature to recycle and store this important element. The carbon cycle works when
As climate change increases, the weather patterns of different regions will drastically change as well. Present