
The Effects Of Environmental Impacts On The Environment

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When it comes to our environment in today’s day and age, citizens only seem to see it becoming worse and worse. In fact, most would even say that the world is beyond saving with all of the impact greenhouse gases and the human way of living is destroying our ecosystems. But that couldn’t be further from the truth! Today, we have plenty of efforts in place attempting to reduce, and hopefully reverse, the negative effects on our environment. The transportation industry, one of the largest contributors to CO2 emissions, is no exception. Amtrak, being the number one passenger rail system in America, is making it an active goal to help preserve our planet. For instance, Amtrak pays close attention to the level of carbon emissions that it contributes on both a personal and overall scale. Just by traveling on Amtrak, instead of various other options, you are choosing a mode a transportation that contributes less greenhouse gases. Amtrak states that by riding on it instead of say a car or plane, there is as much as a thirty percent increase in energy efficiency. Amtrak also offers CO2 offsets by allowing passengers to “buy back” the amount of greenhouse gases that they personally added as a natural result of their travel. Through a partnership with, Amtrak has created a tool called the Rail Calculator which calculates the amount of carbon emissions generated by the passenger’s rail travel based on the distance that they traveled and then compiles a price that the

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