
The Effects Of Human Population On The Environment

Decent Essays

Every year the human population on Earth increases by approximately 1.12%, or 80 million, according to the United States Census Bureau. This drastic increase in population has created a big strain on the environments around us. As the population increases, so does the amount of fossil fuel consumption, greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, deforestation, and other detrimental impacts on the environment. This, in turn, causes the extinction of at least 10,000 species per million per year and pushes countless others to the brink (“How Many Species Are We Losing?”). It is important to maintain Earth’s biodiversity, the variety and abundance of organisms and their habitats, to keep humans healthy and happy. The ecosystem is very delicate, and the more species disappear, the more the entire ecosystems become vulnerable and would eventually fall apart as the links in the food chains become broken (“Endangered Animals of the World”). The ecosystems around the world, however, provide humans with a wide range of food, medicine, and other industrial products. For example, honey bees are responsible for 80% of pollination worldwide. That means that if honey bees were to go extinct, there would be a drastic decrease in agriculture yield and the amount of food available for consumption, resulting in a massive food shortage worldwide. It would also result in a sharp decline in the diversity of plant species which would have other implications. To stop the further extinction of other

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