
The Effects Of Incarceration On The Correctional System Essay

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Positive Alternatives to Incarceration
It has been said “bad company corrupts good morals”. Parents sometimes use this phrase in hopes of keeping their children from hanging out with the wrong crowd. The prison system is no different. Locking up people in jail should be a consequence that most want to avoid thus decreasing the crime rate. In 1976, William Nagel found that incarceration did not stop criminals from committing crimes. In fact, if overcrowded prisons are increasing with more people being booked into jail than being released, perhaps the correctional system encourages crime instead of discouraging it (Nagel, 1976). This is the reason we need to consider positive alternatives to our current correctional system.
Crime is evident across the globe, but not all countries use the same consequences. In his book “The Expanding Prison: The Crisis in Crime and Punishment and The Search for Alternatives”, Cayley (1998) understood that prisons do not stop crime even though that is exactly what they were originally designed for. He wrote about prisons changing from punishing, hopeless places to restorative, treatment facilities. Cayley (1998) said an alternative peacemaking justice system provides an opportunity for all parties to have a voice in the restorative part of criminal offenses. For some, primarily non-violent offenders, restorative justice allows the offender to make amends with the victim (Alarid, 2015). Several countries such as New Zealand, Canada, and Norway

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