
The Effects Of Social Groups On People During A Real World Interaction

Decent Essays

Social groups affect how people detect change in others
The journal article “Failure to detect changes to people during a real-world interaction” focuses on the concept of change blindness and how that affects a person’s ability to notice when a scene has changed. Earlier experiments suggest that people are unable to detect the changes made to a photograph after a brief moment where the original picture is hidden from view and switched with an altered one. From this, earlier literature concludes that people do not retain detailed information about their environment from each second they interpret it. This study also concluded that an object that is the center of interest to the observer is easier to detect for changes. However, an earlier …show more content…

The procedure of the first experiment involved an experimenter who approached and asked pedestrians for directions. After 10 to 15 seconds, a door that blocks the subject’s view of the experimenter passes between them, and the experimenter trades places with a second experimenter who was holding the back of the door. Then, when the door passes, the conversation between the subject and experimenter resumes, though the experimenter is different. After the conversation, the experimenter then explains he is conducting a study on people’s attention to their environment and asks the subject if they found anything odd after the door passed. Responses were then recorded. The second experiment was conducted in the same manner except that the switching experimenters dressed as construction workers and the 12 new participants for this study were all between the ages of 20 to 30 years old.
From the first experiment, 7 to 15 participants detected the change in experimenters. However, this finding did not support the authors’ hypothesis because they predicted that being in a real world situation would more likely result with change detection, yet only half of the subjects noticed the change. Furthermore, those who did detect change in the experiment were between the ages of 20 to 30. From the second experiment, 4 of the 12 participants realized the change. This

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