
The Effects Of Teachers ' Motivational Strategies On Second Language Learning

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The Effects of Teachers’ Motivational Strategies on Second Language Learning
Hamline University
Meghan Scheidel
April 5, 2015

Introduction Student motivation and engagement is crucial for success in language learning. Motivation has been widely discussed by leading scholars like, Dornyei and Gardner (use first names) of Second Language Acquisition (SLA), particularly focusing on how it affects English Language Learners (ELLs) performance in various aspects of the L2 language and learning process. Teachers and students commonly use the term motivation to explain what causes success or failure in learning (Guilloteaux & Dornyei, 2008). Without sufficient motivation, even learners with the most remarkable abilities, excellent teachers, and curriculum, still cannot accomplish long-term goals. Traditionally, researchers and psychologists have been more concerned with what motivation is rather than about how we can motivate learners (Guilloteaux & Dornyei, 2008). Recently, however, there is more information regarding the implications of using motivational strategies in language classrooms. Motivational strategies refers to “instructional interventions applied by the teacher to elicit and stimulate student motivation and self-regulating strategies that are used purposefully by individual students to manage the level of their own motivation (include page # in article)” (Guilloteaux & Dornyei, 2008). say instructional interventions teachers use to create

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