
The Effects on Kids and Teens Due to Violent Video Games Essay

Decent Essays

Games are cool and nice and all but there are some video games that are considered ultra violent video games due to the real world type of violence it shows. These games are graphic and do have violence in it, but it isn’t enough to conquer or influence a teen. In other cases, it may conquer or influence a kid because kids have fresh minds, and learn everything in their way. It’s been experimented to see if games do influence but until present day, yet, there’s no proof or evidence. Violent video games may have an affect on children depending on their age. Younger children are more influenced by violent video games than teens.
Violence In Violent Video Games If close attention is paid to a game there can be distinguished between the …show more content…

Josh Zerhof states that other than just showing their body parts it has violence involved, as in after the character has had sex or whatever he did with the woman, he has a choice weather to kill the woman categorized as a prostitute or rape them or simply pay and let her go. Sexuality is not anywhere close to violence unless it’s considered rape, but these games are terrible in the way that the teen or kid who is playing this game, learns these type of things at such an early age. A game is no harm in the way that the woman in the game don’t really feel anything but the problem is in the teen or kids life these images stay in their fresh head and later make them want to act like the character.

Physical Testing on Humans Physical testing has and will continuously be experimented on human kids and or teens. These experiments don’t really prove anything but the people experimenting are trying to find at least something close to proof. What it’s meant by “something close to proof” is that for years researcher Amanda Schaffer’s experiments have been taking place, but the hope of the Amanda Schaffer and colleges is that with new and advance technology they’ll find the results of what they’ve been looking for. Experimenters have noticed that a teen or kid’s behavior is similar to the behavior of an aggressive prisoned teen or kid but the researchers don’t think that

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