
The Elderly Research Paper

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The elderly, the ones that came before us. The ones that some people see as being wise. The ones who’s back, sweat, and hard work that helped build this country into what it is now today. So with what they all have done to create this country, there has to be something that can be done to repay them for all they have done. Yes there are many many things that can be done, but to not overwhelm yourself trying to do all of them, start small and give the elderly the chance to free transportation on buses.
Most elderly people are retired and have a small amount of money to live on each month, so they can’t afford a car or the insurance to have on it. Also in the cities there is sometimes no room for a car so elderly people have to get around on …show more content…

Anyway back to the main topic, the elderly have done a lot to the country and to help them by providing free transit service would help them. Also if you might be thinking yes the elderly have done much to the country ,but they still need to pay to ride the bus. Well then think of it like this, the elderly have already payed for their ride and then some, some of the elderly that ride the bus may of been the ones that made the bus that they are on or paved the road the bus is driving on, or made the seats, or mines the fossil fuels for the bus, or even in the past drove that bus or another one. So you tell me if the elder already for for their bus ride.
If you offer free bus rides, then you might attract more elderly that would normally drive to ride the bus and that might make the roads have less traffic on them. There might also be a little less accidents on the road since elderly people are more likely to get into a car accident. There may be a little less dui of there are a could of elderly people that drink heavily. Elderly people would be able to get around more. That is a few reasons to allow elderly people free transportation on …show more content…

If there are any questions on how old the person has to be to get the free rides on the bus, well that is simple anyone over the age of 60 will be about to ride the bus for free and to proves they are 60 or older show their licences or prough of their age. With all the work the elderly have done to create this country, they deserve the right to have the ability to travel on a bus for free. In sum would it truly harm anything just to let the elderly ride the bus. So in conclusion let the elderly ride the bus for

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