
The Entrepreneurial Personality Of The Senior Executive Essay

Decent Essays

The entrepreneurial personality of the senior executive is still as evident as the current CEO has built and sold companies all throughout his career. Wound Care Specialists are currently in the transition from the entrepreneurial state to the next level of operations. This is a key stage as it will either have successful growth or it will go the opposite way because it is not ready for the next level. In their case the next level is where they set policies and procedures, cost containment, efficiency, operating and financial analysis. Which all of these are helping to drive decisions making in all areas of the company.
Along with the entrepreneurial personalities there is a dominant management style that can be seen throughout the company. This company delegates the day to day operations to the middle management and to the lead nurses within the field. Having their middle management delegate day to day operations is a very smart move on their part as it gives the choices to the people who are out on the floor and see everything that is happening. This ensures that the decisions being made are smart and beneficial ones. An example of giving up control to gain control is with the lead nurses. They are never trained to be a typical lead nurse so the regional managers had to deal with many of the day to day operations issue of the clinics and the team. They are now implementing a lead nurse training to make them leaders and to manage the teams they are in charge of. This

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