
The Ethical Role Of Disputes In The Nursing Profession

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According to the recent gallop poll, nurses are judged as the most ethical person with the highest standard, yet there are many conflicts in the nursing profession. Conflicts occur in every profession especially when there is interaction between humans. No person is immune to conflict. Conflicts can even occur in churches among the worshippers and the preachers. Disputes can either add worth or turmoil to the organization. Conflict usually has negative impact on people; however, sometimes disputes can produce healthy solutions to an organization.
In the Journal, authors Singleton, Toombs, Taneja, Larkin, & Pryor (2011) contend that conflicts can have a positive functional effect or a negative dysfunctional outcome for an organization. A functional conflict can stimulate critical thinking, leading to the development of new tasks which could benefit the organization and its employees. A …show more content…

The mid-level practitioner thought there was a delay in the patient’s endotracheal tube not extubated in a specified time frame. The attended nurse was dismayed that the midlevel practitioner chose to escalate the issue with management; instead, of communicating with the nurse to find out why the endotracheal tube was not removed as per the policy. One may contemplate which method to use to resolve this issue without disrupting the care of the patients. At the same time, one may also try to rationalize the issue and avoid confrontation, reasoning that it was a minor issue. Simply not resolving a conflict can have more negative consequences; also, it can send the message that the behavior is acceptable. As the authors simply stated in the journal, not resolving a dysfunctional conflict can spread in a manner similar to a contagious disease in the organization. Nevertheless, fear of a superior should not stop a nurse from speaking his/her

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