
The Ethics Of Using Data Obtained

Better Essays

The Ethics of Using Data Obtained Through Controversial Means to Further Current Research

Research is the systematic investigation into and study of materials and sources in order to establish facts and reach new conclusions. Most people would agree that research for example, scientific research, should only be done under the assumption that it is for the advancement of humanity. Most people would also agree that the data obtained should be used for good and that there is no ethical alternative. Given this, my question is: How is it ethical to not use data, that’s already there, for good? This question is not necessarily the question over which many people have argued and continue to argue over. Rather, the question of debate happens to …show more content…

In addressing these questions, it is necessary to address a few points of interest. Firstly, an ethical approach must be decided upon. We will choose a consequentialist approach and not a deontological approach. This is because the topic is about doing good using data. Therefore, the consequences matter and as a result, must be taken into account in ethically justifying certain attitudes towards our questions. We will also define our consequentialist approach as one dictating that an action is morally right, or ethical, if it leads to a greater balance of good over evil (1st postulate) and maximises the good that it causes (2nd postulate). This is equivalent to stating that it would, in theory, be unethical to choose to do less good than one is capable of. Second of all, a scope should be decided upon. This essay will focus on the ethics in general and in relation to Nazi medical research.

Now, we move on to addressing the question: Why are so many people convinced that it is unethical to use data obtained through controversial means to further current medical research? In order to address this question, we must be able to consider that these people, ostensibly uncorrupted and possessing the moral high ground are the privileged few. Many of them will live here. And perhaps, it’s because so many live in nations like Australia, our beautiful and peaceful part of the planet, that this opinion is so strongly supported. Perhaps, our worry-free lifestyles on this

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